
Visions Global Empowerment - Sri Lanka (“Visions Sri Lanka”) is a non-profit organization (registered under the Companies Act, No 7 of 2007 and currently applying for NGO status) that aims to support under-resourced individuals and communities through programs focused on education, leadership, technology, and community development.


Since 2003, Visions Global Empowerment (USA) has partnered with local organizations to implement over USD $835,000 worth of educational programs and projects in Sri Lanka.

✉: mayuran@visionssrilanka.org

Antony Jeevarathinam Mayuran (He/Him)

Founder and CEO, 

Visions Global Empowerment

Densil Rajkumar Pravtha (She/Her)

Training Coordinator

Vasanthan Thushiyanthan (He/Him)

Training Coordinator

Yokarasa Keerththikan (He/Him)

Training Coordinator