Science Co-Production

We seek to co-produce and deliver science products to further outdoor recreation and tourism research.

Our recent products include:

  • Igniting research for outdoor recreation: linking science, policy, and action, a compendium of 17 brief working papers published as a general technical report, available here:

    • Citation: Selin, Steven; Cerveny, Lee K.; Blahna, Dale J.; Miller, Anna B., eds. 2020. Igniting research for outdoor recreation: linking science, policy, and action. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-987. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. 257 p.

  • We are also planning two special journal issues on recreation research (see below).

Special Issue: Sustainably Managing Outdoor Recreation and Nature-based Tourism as Social-ecological Systems”

Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism

Please send your Statement of Interest to Wayde Morse ( by 15 November, 2020. Full manuscripts are due 31 March, 2021.

The goal of this special issue is to develop frameworks and tools to facilitate the sustainable management of outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism as social-ecological systems addressed at multiple scales and fully integrated across disciplines.



  1. Showcase emerging conceptual frameworks, technologies, best practices, and analytic tools being used to assess, monitor, and support implementation of sustainable outdoor recreation and nature-based tourism programs and practices.

  2. Identify new approaches, tools, and best practices for strategic landscape planning within large integrated systems where recreation and tourism can receive equal consideration with other natural resource considerations like fire, water, wildlife habitat, and community development.

  3. Catalyze a community of practice of managers, scientists, agency leaders, and citizens dedicated to strengthening sustainable outdoor recreation and tourism programs and research on and around public lands and protected areas.

Special Issue: Sustainability and Outdoor Recreation Management on Public Lands: New Directions

Journal of Park and Recreation Administration

Abstracts (300 words) are due: October 1, 2020. Full manuscripts are due February 15, 2021.

This special issue examines the growing significance of outdoor recreation on public lands and discuss strategies for managing this use sustainably. We aim to contribute knowledge from leaders in recreation science toward this foundation of sustainability, while providing more clarity, conscientious thinking, and conceptual development that aims to enhance implementation of sustainable recreation in public lands management. Our goal is to showcase emerging theories, technologies, best practices, and analytic tools being used to assess, monitor, and support sustainable recreation programs and practices.


Please send proposed paper title, name of author(s), and an abstract (300 words) to the guest editors, Drs. Lee Cerveny ( and Steven Selin ( by October 1, 2020. Authors will be notified by October 30, 2020 if they will be invited to submit a full paper.