Maria Alekseeva and Ekaterina Vasileva (Russia)

Library as an Inclusive Space, Librarian as a Social Curator (From the RSLYA’s experience of working with young adults with special needs)


The Russian State Library for Young Adults (RSLYA) has been working with people with special needs for many years, cooperating with various organizations. Relying on its own considerable experience, the RSLYA strongly believe in not singling out people with physical limitations as a special group, but taking into account their features. They are not inferior people, on the contrary, they have something that others do not have, and it is necessary to know how to work properly with them. By ensuring the accessibility of physical space; creating comfortable and friendly atmosphere; providing services according to their preferences and needs; creating conditions for their participation in all library’s activities and access to all library services; giving them a chance to uncover their abilities and skills.

For that it is important to use an inclusive approach which, in our view, is achieved by providing "accessible environment" and "equal opportunities". Despite that these concepts often go together, they are different. "Accessible environment" means that young people with various kinds of health restrictions can expect the readiness of libraries to accept them as equal users. "Equal opportunities" – the concept of a higher level - suggests that young people with special needs come to the library when they have the appropriate mood, need and opportunity to prepare for studies, attend an interesting lecture, and meet with friends and peers. It means the library should be good for anyone and everyone and acts as a social curator.

In this paper we would like to share our ideas and successful practices of inclusive library services for young adults with special needs. Both regular activities, which take place in the RSLYA and can be implemented in other libraries worldwide, and unique national campaigns such as the short film competition for young authors about young disabled people called “Overcome”.


Ms. Ekaterina Vasileva is head of the Special Projects and PR Department of the Russian State Library for Young Adults (RSLYA). Since 2014, she has been developing public relations and promoting the projects aimed at attracting young people and keeping up the library’s positive image.