The Professor, being an accountant, loved to keep documents and accurate records. Customers would queue up in the large reception hall and fill out forms, stating how many minutes they would like us to work on them. He kept a stopwatch and rang a bell to signal it was time for another sex-hungry customer to go in.

The kidnappers stripped the unfortunate man naked, tied him with a thick rope, bound his hands behind his back, and shoved him into a corner of the room. His knees were bleeding; they must have manhandled him before bringing him to the brothel. In a display of compassion, The Professor brought him a loaf of bread and tepid water in a glass cup. The hostage refused to drink, his eyes bloodshot, his face puffy, and spat at the kidnappers instead.

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After about an hour of this, he slumped on the floor and died. They gripped his shoulders and shook him vigorously, The Professor sprinkling him with water, to make him stand up again, but no effort yielded results. Spotting a business opportunity, The Professor offered the kidnappers a portion of the fenced backyard to bury the dead man. Of course they paid him for the grave, and he negotiated an additional fee for the Christian burial prayer.

He asked the man to go to reception, fill in the form, and pay the money to me. And then The Professor ordered me into one of the Operating Theatres where the kidnapper and I groaned for about ten minutes before we came out.

After the kidnappers left, The Professor called a ritualist in the city and they both exhumed the buried body of the hostage in the backyard. The ritualist paid The Professor a handsome fee for the corpse and carted it away.

The Professor lost customers for many months and earned no income. Even those headed for the Dakota would divert to the Liberty as soon as they saw the magnificence of the new building, the ambience created by the calm demeanour of dedicated gardeners tending the blooms, and the flashy cars that lined the lawns.

He also bought me some bleaching creams because he imagined customers would prefer me with skin the colour of a ripe banana. Home-made yellow custard, according to him. I felt sad that I had to change my skin colour in order to keep my job, but I had to play along. I needed to send money to my siblings back home as my parents were dead.

I nodded, even though I would never consider Roseline to be my competitor. When I was new at Dakota Brothel and my younger sister had needed money to pay for eye surgery, Roseline gave me the money from her savings, no questions asked. I would only present myself in the best way I could and let the customers decide which business they wanted to patronise, the Dakota or the Liberty.

The problem must be spiritual, not natural, The Professor told me. Something invisible to the human eye was affecting his business, and only a powerful ritualist could neutralise it. So, he called the ritualist who had bought the dead body of the hostage and told him to prepare a charm to attract customers to the Dakota. The ritualist agreed, saying it was a simple case.

When I became hungry, having no money to buy food, Roseline gave me a little cash. But she also introduced me to some of her wealthy customers, and I serviced them on the cosiest of beds at Liberty Hotel. The men offered me mouth-watering tips, so I bought fried rice and chicken and brandy and cigarettes. Honestly, being a sex worker had never been more dignified and profitable.

Besides, keeping my employees satisfied was my utmost priority, having learned such professional conduct from Roseline. I paid my fourteen employees very well, salaries and allowances that compelled them to work as if they were the co-owners of the business. They included my personal assistant, five hairstylists, two security guards, two cleaners, a receptionist, two salesgirls, and a bookkeeper, who also doubled as my cashier.

The strangest fault I have found is that they added two new stat combinations (Ritualist being a big deal and Dragon being a total flop), yet the acquisition of these stats has been extremely limited. So limited in fact that 3 months into the expansion we still don't have any exotic or ascended access to these stats on backpieces! The only way to access these stats is through a legendary backpiece. That is baffling given that this expansion added four more backpieces (discounting skins) and managed to not make any of them Rit or Dragon. Armor is only slightly better off, as most of the access to these stats for exotic gear is extremely expensive. Looking at it from a new player perspective, gearing up with these stats is exponentially harder than any other stat with little justification.

The issue that made me start nagging on the forum ? was when yesterday I wanted to make an asc ritualist build for my spectre for cdps+alac, and I realized it will be 20 something hours of grind to get the trinkets, after buying a whole set of asc trinkets from lw3 currency.

And this made me wonder why is any non-berserk meta build so difficult to get compared to zerk. And a lot of the new specializations we got in PoF and EoD are using something else then zerk (Scourge, Condi/heal Mechanist, all the alac builds etc..) so the content is pushing against the full berserk+scholar rune gear we had before HoT.

And exotic gear is the basic gear for end-game content, I don't think you will be liked in lfg if you go up to strikes in rare gear, and that is fine since you will work towards asc gear in every content. So a new player who just got through the core story, and levelled up from 1-80, should have a set of exotic so he/she can get into the end-game wvw or pve.

But here is the catch most exo attribute combinations are not used in meta builds because they are just outperformed greatly. Even Sinister got replaced by Viper, and poor old Rampager/Rabid didn't even got considered in raids for years.

And that shouldn't be a problem, the introductory gear for the end-game should be easy to get, we want players in the eng-game that is kinda a thing in an MMO, but to get a full Viper set you need to pay double the price then for zerk, and to get it yourself go farm flax.

So we are here, big inequality on how to obtain the meta builds, and no wonder everyone is nagging that the last Eod map-meta is too difficult.

Everyone that complains about gear prices has probably never played any other MMOs... where you can be farming 4 months to finally have a attempt at upgrading your weapon only for it to break and disappear. Once you have your cheap exotic stuff... you are relevant for the entire lifespan of Gw2... no need to upgrade it as soon as the next expansion drops... no chance for it to break... nothing. i bought vipergear like 6 years ago... guess who is still using it till this day... Gear is dirtcheap in gw2 compared to ANY other MMO! If we are looking at other MMOs like WoW,Archeage,Newworld, etc. just getting a single Chestpiece can take upwards of 200 hours of grinding professions/gold/upgrades or they could be behind a RNG wall. in Gw2 on the otherhand you do 1 metaevent which recuires 1 hours of your time and there you have it! your magical Viper chestpiece... Even ClubPenguin used to be more grindy than gw2 is.... i think its unbelievable that people complain about gear being to expensive xDDD

there is some statselectable shoulders... and i think a helmet that you can get in the TP(they cost like 3 gold combined)... you could farm WvW for the warlordchests.. they give statselectable pieces also ( i have like 30 of those...) there is alot of rewardstracks the give selectable pieces... at best you have to really buy 2 or 3 pieces... the rest of the gear you can get thru rewardtracks / statselectable chest, yada yada. You just gotta know how to do it.

And do you know what the best part is? if you really think the gear is that expensive... you can always just farm the materials that you need to craft those and sell em to make a big chunck of money. USE THE ECONOMY TO YOUR ADVANTAGE.

i only do WvW, i literally never step a foot in Pve ( my best toon has 6% mapcompletion) and i have over 1k Gold laying around... all Character full ascended... You must be doing something horibly wrong.... You should try to clear your materialbank, as this is where most of the money will be floating around. Sell everything you got in there and you should be able to gear a charcter no problem. e24fc04721

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