There's now a more serious microgenre of those videos where young women are sharing dreams in which they give birth to a child. Often tagged "dream babies," women say they feel real sadness and grief after waking up and realizing the child was imagined. Others say they've had the same dream over and over, and have even become attached to the dream baby.

In a video posted in December, a woman shared an extremely detailed dream she had wherein she was laying in a hammock with her imaginary baby and said she could feel it breathing on her chest. She said she was cradling the baby and woke up lying in a similar position before realizing the baby wasn't real.

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In another TikTok that went viral in January, user @usherusheryeahhman said she's still attached to a baby she dreamt about over a year ago. ""Honestly the first week after it was actually so painful but couldn't tell anyone because they'd think I was insane," she wrote in a comment.

Hailey Case has dreams about giving birth or having a baby about two-to-three times a month, she told Insider. The Kansas State University student said it's "incredibly jarring" to wake up from a dream that feels so real.

"The response made me really sad, scrolling through the comments of people who were sharing the name of their dream baby, saying it felt so real," she said. "The intense emotion feels a little surreal because we separate dreams from reality really easily."

The videos have mostly bonded young women who say they desperately want to have children. However, it's also had an adverse effect for some. In one video from January, a creator said her "dream baby" confirmed to her that she never wants children.

"It may be the case that people are prone to feelings of grief or loss because the baby in the dream corresponds to another child or family figure in the person's life," Selterman said. "Perhaps this is their mind's way of coping with a different type of loss."

Case said she's seen a surge in dream baby videos over the last few months. Seeing other people post about it has potentially destigmatized these dreams, since it "feels weird" to "admit that you are saddened by a dream experience," she said.

I thought the girl was annoying as well. To say she was supposed to be 19, she acted more like a 16 year old. This was not one of my favourite Vice episodes. However I thought it was ok. This has one of the shortest intros to any Vice episode, only 1m 10 secs.Notice the bizarre editing goof when Tubbs is babysitting Cindy at the Safehouse, and Crockett and Danielle turn up. One minute Danielle is asking Cindy to recall everything that she can about the murder. Then you see Cindy leaning on Tubbs. She says "I already told Sonny and Rico everything". Then you see Danielle reply "...and now you must tell me, Oui?". Then the camera cuts back to Tubbs, at which point Cindy appears to have vanished into thin air!In this episode, it's Tubbs who's got the sixth sense, as opposed to Crockett who whilst to a certain extent shares Tubbs' cynicism of Danielle, also at the same time has his perceptions clouded by becoming sexually involved with her.Bandi didn't mess about. He practically turned into Spiderman just to put a bullet in Cindy at the hospital. Total professional. The actor who played him also played the bogus "contact" that met Crockett and Tubbs in Costa Morada in "Freefall".I enjoyed the conversation between Crockett and Tubbs on the boat "you know I was thinkin of er.. tappin her phone?"... "you mean you already have!".There's an interesting bit of acting at the end of the strategy meeting in the conference room at OCB when Tubbs stares at Danielle and Danielle stares back at him. Neither of them says a word, but you can tell that Tubbs is communicating to her "I'm onto you", and she's looking back at him as if to say "I know you are, but don't underestimate me".I thought the sex scene was a bit racy for mid-80's tv. That was a bit embarrassing when you're 14 watching that with your parents!Why does Tubbs always ask for favours from Gina and Trudy? Is is because he is useless at admin tasks? Is he trying to charm them into thinking that because they do things for him then they must like him? or does he think it's beneath him?Just before Sullivan's meet with Bandi, Crockett and Castillo have a conversation about using Sullivan in the set up, as he is a civilian. Crockett says "I don't like it, but Bandi's not gonna go for a decoy". Why wouldn't he though? Bandi had never met Sullivan up until that point, and by the time Bandi may have twigged that the Decoy's voice may not be the same one as he heard on the phone, the team would have already been moving in to arrest him. I realise Bandi was supposed to be a professional, but surely he wasn't that good.I thought it was funny how when Tubbs is telling Crockett about how his new love interest is actually a Terrorist, he has to rub it in by adding "she could have been one of their assassins!?".The park where the meet took place, Jose Marti Park, is the same one where Crockett met Rita for the first time in "No Exit", and where Tubbs chased Montana Stone in "Badge of Dishonour".I give this episode 7 out of 10.

I like this episode! Right from the start, it's suspenseful and action-packed with the girl seeing Bandi knifing the drug delivery guy at the hospital--and of course she gets the only photograph.The rest of the episode is action-packed as well--as Bandi comes after the girl, and I like the storyline of (once again) another "naughty" or bad ugly woman that Crockett gets involved with LOL ! This is just my opinion, but to me most of Crockett's choices in women left little to be desired--except for Gina! They should have stuck together...but we can thank the writers for that one. ;)One of my favorite parts of the episode is when Tubbs confronts Danielle about who and what she really was, and says: "I think you're a bad dream, baby! I just wanna wake up and...find you gone!" Tell her, Tubbs! :thumbsup:Anyway, I also like this episode because it's the other "main" one that includes the old Blue Waters Hotel. As I've posted before, I love historical old places (even abandoned ones) and I always liked that old place--wishing I could've explored and photographed it before it was torn down.Even though maybe this wasn't the best or most memorable episode of 2nd season, I definitely thought it was a very "strong" and "supportive" one for the season! I gave it a 7.

Milly speculates her baby dreams could be tied to her own concerns about having children. She has systemic lupus, an autoimmune disease where the immune system attacks its own healthy tissue, and explains that she will need to stop taking her medication when she plans to have children, which could cause the illness to become overactive.

Label what's happened. Let your child know that it was a nightmare and now it's over. You might say something like, "You had a bad dream, but now you're awake and everything is OK." Reassure your child that the scary stuff in the nightmare didn't happen in the real world.

A 2008 study suggested that during pregnancy, especially a first pregnancy, people tend to have pregnancy-related dreams as a way of processing the experience. Dreams during pregnancy may be vivid and easier to recall, partly because you tend to wake up more often.

One theory is that your baby's brain has developed enough that they're able to process larger quantities of information. Since they're new to this world, that information can be confused or confusing. Nightmares are therefore your baby's way of making sense of the world and processing things that frighten them.

Talk It Out:If age appropriate, asking your baby about their nightmare will help you a) understand what may be scaring them; and b) provide an opportunity to explain that nightmares are just bad dreams. They're just in your baby's imagination and cannot hurt them.

No one's certain what babies dream about - and, since everyone's dreams are different, the possibilities are endless. If your baby is old enough to express themselves or explain their dream, ask them for some insights. That way you can dispel their fears - and learn a lot about your baby in the process.

I get up at 5am every morning since July started. I ha e to be to work at 5:30am. I mix milk for 800 baby calves. But I was thinking right now. I get to get up at 5am tomorrow wahoo!!! Haha thanks this helped alot

actually it was good motivation

when i am at boarding we wake up 4.30am

but when i come for holiday i decide to wake whenever and this made my day routine in a bad

i tried to change many times but still i am trying to do what i was at the boarding.

thank you for u=your mativation.

These are all signs that your baby could be hitting their 4 month sleep regression. And obviously with all of these comes frustration and over-tiredness (from you and your baby). That's why this regression can be such a doozy!

I see parents do this a lot during the 4 month sleep regression. They assume that because baby is waking more, they must be hungry or going through a growth spurt. But what usually ends up happening is what we call reverse cycling.

Baby starts taking in more calories overnight because extra feeds are offered... then baby is more distracted and uninterested in eating during the day... this leads to a hungrier baby at night... and the cycle continues.

So it's not unusual for the poor sleep that happens with the 4 month sleep regression to continue until parents make some sleep changes. Because of the increase in lighter sleep, your baby just has more potential for wake ups! And with that, your help will be needed more and more often each time they wake.

Do use this as an opportunity to sleep train your baby and teach them independent sleep skills. If you're struggling with their sleep during the 4 month regression and you're also ready to make a change, now's a great time to sleep train!

I often have parents ask me if they should wait until after the 4 month sleep regression is over before they sleep train, but as we discussed, this sleep regression doesn't "end." It's a permanent change to your baby's sleep cycles so if you are waiting for the regression to "end" and your baby's sleep to get better before you sleep train... you'll be waiting awhile! ff782bc1db

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