-Some of my contacts don't receive my iMessages. -Some of my iMessages won't send (interent connection was down due to Hurricanr Irma) -If I turn off iMessages, i don't receive iMessages -There is no obvious, easy way to choose text or iMessage -Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrt

I have SSM texting through my provider and have been using it, very successfully, for years. How can I choose, at the time of messaging, which option to use? Some of my iPhone friends have turned off imessaging. Therefore they do not my receive my iMessages even though my phone shows the message as "delivered.". This is unnecessarily difficult!

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You cannot receive iMessages if it is not enabled. iMessages is an Apple app that works over WiFi. If you turn it off, you can't send or receive iMessages. You can send and receive standard SMS messages via your wireless cellular provider assuming that you have a plan that includes texting.

Thanks for trying to help. Neither I nor my friends know the message settings on their iphones. Mostly, we are senior citizens who just want to keep in touch. The hurricane did cause an additional layer of frustration, but my internet/wifi is restored. After its restoration, I replied (iMessager was on) to a friend's text reporting on her son's surgery. My phone showed the message was delivered. HOWEVER, my friend called an hour later because she had not received my response. Plan to turn off iMessaging. I certainly won't be paying $1,000 for even more aggravation.

After we've become a YouTube Partner and let's say I don't care about making money through our videos by showing ads. Can I simply turn off monetization for our channel and not have the ads showing in our videos? Or is it this not possible?

I have multiple 600 EX-RT flashes. I currently do not have a ST-E3-RT. I thought I read somewhere that you could turn off the flash in one of the the 600EX's and still have it control the others. I would like to be able do this using a 600EX in my hot shoe with the Flash turned off in Radio mode controlling the other 600 EX flashes.

Is this possible to do? If so what are the specific menus steps or what is the specific manual page I need to go to in order to find out how to turn off the flash on the Master and still have it work as the send unit for the other 600's in radio mode.

Go into that menu and tell it to "disable" the flash. This will let the flash do everything else it does (e.g. the focus-assist beam will work, the radio will work, etc. ... but it wont fire the strobe when you take pictures.)

Tim thanks, I will try that but I will looking for the on flash controls. While I was waiting I did find my answers. I did find you can turn off the Flash on Master on Page 55 in the Manual and it will still work and control the slaves by Radio.

Yup! Syncing picks right back up! Basically, checks to see if any changes to files were made then syncs them. I shutdown my computer pretty often and have never had any issue with Dropbox picking up where it left off. If you are super concerned about currupted files or anything, just pause the sync before you turn it off (although my guess is Dropbox does this automatically during the shutdown process).

The only real concern would be if you unexpectedly lost power (for any critical systems though, I would always recommend a UPS), but even in that case, I still think you are fine.

I put a too short screw into the screw hole. I thought this would sort things out. It didn't. Now I cannot get the screw out even though it will turn quite freely with a Phillips screwdriver. Any ideas? Could I superglue another similar sized screw to it, head to head?

I had this happen to me once before (on original wire-free cam) when setup in a nested rule. If camera is to record from a motion triggered by an other camera, it will record regardless of its on/off status. Sounds crazy???

Paul_FCCL wrote:

JamesC wrote:


Thanks for bringing this to my attention. I have tested this and I see this behavior as well. I have escalated this issue.


Thought I'd give you an update on this........contacted tech support and after a couple of calls I was told that "it's supposed to be like that" so OFF doesn't mean completely off for a camera, it only stops the motion sensing but not the recording, when triggered by another camera.

I still believe it's wrong camera behavior, just like anything else.....OFF means OFF!



James, they really need to change this though or add another option that is a TRUE OFF otherwise what is the point in having this option in the first place. You can have numerous rules and on occasion may want to stop a certain camera from recording but you are not able to do this. The OFF option should do exactly what it states otherwise it makes no sense. If they say it is by design then what is the reasoning behind this? Is it possible for you to ask them for this reasoning behind the design, perhaps we are missing something but my bet is that they will not have a reason. I cannot see any technical or even common sense reason for it to behave this way tbh.

What purpose does the OFF option actually give if it will still record if triggered via a rule. I mean if you have to use a different rule then you may as well just ignore the camera when creating it in the first place especially if even when set to OFF the camera is not actually OFF right. All it does is prevent it from appearing in the list which is sort of silly as you may as well just ignore rather than setting it to OFF.

This is expected because there is no stable version for the 1Password 8.8 beta builds you're using right now, the app will continue to push beta updates until the next stable update is available. Not getting beta updates until the next stable update means you'd be stuck with issues that may be addressed in later beta updates.

My best suggestion would be to remain on beta until the next update. If you are currently on the beta. There have likely been updates that benefit you presently. That said, if you want to try to return to the stable the following may be able to help you.

I changed channels back when I was on the 8.8 beta build. I set my channel to production then, per your recommendations. Then 8.8 was released. However, I'm still getting the 8.9 beta update prompt, even though my release channel has been "production" for months now.

This was on a shared MacBook. What I suspect happened is that my wife launched 1Password while still on the BETA channel. This probably prompted the upgrade to 8.9.4. Then, after I (unsuspectingly) launched 8.9.4 I got switched back to the BETA channel as well.

I have BD premium on various devices, including android phones and Windows computers running everything from Win 7 to 365. have had no problems using the VPN on any of them EXCEPT that there is still no simple way to turn off the VPN!! There are plenty of situations where I want the VPN on, and then want the ability to turn it off - for a few minutes, for an hour, for a year. The options to turn it off keep getting more and more complicated, requiring more and more time. There should be a simple one-click "Turn off VPN" while using it. Why has BD not done this?

The problem for me is not turning it off at startup - it's turning it off while I'm working. I occasionally need to bypass the VPN, but BD makes that absurdly difficult. I should be able to have the VPN on, then turn it off (even if there's a time limit), and then back on. Instead, with the full VPN I either have to open it and make a lot of changes, or reboot. This is a known issue/request that's been going on for years.

I managed to turn it off on Windows but I still have this constant reminder about it which is just annoying. On my iPhone I thought I deactivated it but BD still turns it on if the web protection is activated. Some days, because of that, my internet was down and I had to turn off Web Protection to be able to use my phone normally.

It's like the way auto-renewal is automatically activated, and they make it difficult to turn that off. Apparently the tech people don't keep up with what subscribers across the board want these days!

If you wish to simply disable it, you have this option in the VPN settings, tell us if you turned it off. Try turning it on and off again. And when you restart / shutdown the device, do not tick the option to reopen applications that were previously open.

I use the VPN. Then I want to turn it off. There is no option to just turn it off after using it. Other systems have a simple "On" "Off" right there, in the VPN popup or screen. This is a known issue. Scroll through the rest of the thread. 006ab0faaa

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