
The Wellcome Genome Campus gives regularly offers online classes on genomics, bioinformatics, etc. that are certified and FREE.

This class looked especially relevant:

Here is an interview with Dr Pamela Black, Education Lead, Advanced Courses and Scientific Conferences, Wellcome Genome Campus, about these free courses:

You can sign up for their newsletter on this page to receive notices about new classes:

edX has a course taught by one of the creators of rosalind.infothat can be audited for free for a short time (about a month)

Coursera Course by him also, :

A bioinformatics treasure hunt:

  • Learn about free resources available through the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), part of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), an international, innovative and interdisciplinary research organisation funded by 26 member states and two associate member states.
  • Training resources through EMBL-EBI:

Personal Webpages and Blogs of Bioinformaticians

There's really only the one post in the last blog, but he lists a lot of links (and recommends!)

This last one seems to be full of helpful advice and resources.

Online Tutorial

Scroll down past the list of files to see the tutorial.

The Carpentries -- workshops teaching R, Python, Git, Unix, Data Analysis

I started learning Python at one of these workshops and got certified as one of their trainers. I have helped at a number of their workshops at the University of Washington.

Look here to see where upcoming workshops are located:

There is even one coming up in GERMANY on October 16th:

Online Bioinformatics Courses Available to Audit -- paid certificate option also available

  • this course doesn't seem to kick auditors out after a month