Our students of 4th ESO visited Bray, Ireland, this January. Here are some of their experiences.

 Hi! We are Celia and Alma. We lived together in the same house in Bray. We saw the sea in the mornings when we went to school. Our teachers were Dave and Kim, both of them were very kind. The food was amazing, and our host family cooked very well; their house was lovely. Apart from going to school, we also went to Dublin and a bowling alley. Time flew by in Bray, but there weren’t many hours of sunshine. Going to Ireland was amazing and unforgettable. 

(Celian and Alma 4ºA)

Hi! In the mornings, we attended classes. Then, we used to take the train to visit some places like Dublin. Our guide made us a tour around Dublin to show us the most important monuments. Another day, we also visited a museum where we had to explain in English some parts of the exhibition to our classmates. We also had free time to go shopping. Paula and I lived together in a very welcoming family. They had a dog. At night, we used to go to the bowling alley. This is was I liked the most. The last day, we learned some Irish dancing. I had a lot of fun, although it was a bit complicated. I definitely enjoyed my time in Bray. It is an experience that I would like to repeat some day. 

(Paula Diego 4ºB)

On the 28th January, we travelled to Bray, a wonderful village near Dublin. We were very nervous, but it was a wonderful experience full of unforgettable moments. There were two of us living together in the same house with our Irish hosts families. They treated us like their own children. In the morning, we went to school and then we had our packed-lunch at the academy. In the afternoon, we made trips and other activities in Bray and places nearby. When we came back to Bray, we went shopping and then we went back home for dinner. At night, we had other funny activities like Irish dancing, laser tag or bowling. On the nights we didn’t have activities, we met at the bowling alley too for our free time and then we returned to our houses. It was an unforgettable experience.

 (Elena Uña 4A°A)

When we went to Ireland, we visited several places in Bray and Dublin. I lived with Carla. Our host family treated us great. Her food was delicious. In general, our favourite place was the bowling alley. We had free time at night and we met and hang out there. But we also had classes in the morning until lunch time. They were not the same as here in the high school. They were more dynamic and we wrote less vocabulary. Our teacher was Dave. He was very funny. He knew a bit of Spanish. It was really comic hearing him try to speak Spanish. 

(Andrea Gallego 4ºB-Diver)

My experience in Dublin was great. I had a lot of fun. The trip was nice and the food was delicious. I liked a lot the activities that we did like laser tag, the Irish dancing classes, the walking trips and the visit to the museum. Our free time too. I loved the classes because they were more active and funny. We learnt many things in the games that we did. 

(Marcos Hernández 4ºB)