Monday was our first Day in England. Firstly, we had classes from 9am to 3pm with two breaks, one of them to have Lunch. Then, at 3pm we went to a walking tour called Cirencester orientation. When we finished the orientation tour, we did a quiz about the town and then we had free time. Finally, we went to a fish and chips restaurant to have dinner our first proper English dinner.


On Tuesday, we had two English classes from nine o´clock till half past twelve in the morning. Each of the classes lasts one hour and a half. After the two classes we had lunch in the Cotswold language academy for about one hour. At half past one we went out into the town to solve some riddles. We had to solve 8 different riddles. For each riddle we got one letter and the eight letters together meant “Free time” so we had almost ninety minutes of time to wander around the town. After that we went to the forum car park and we were picked up by our host families around six o´clock. On Tuesday evening we had the first English dinner with our host families.


Wednesday: As it had happened each morning we went to our morning classes from nine to half past twelve. Then we had lunch till half past one. At half past one we got on a coach and visited Oxford for the rest of the day. During our visit to Oxford, on the Wednesday afternoon, we western to school where several scenes of Harry Potter were recorded. We took a photo on the Venetian Bridge and after we went to the shopping center.


On Thursday we went to London by bus. When we arrived, we took a tour around the city. Firstly, we visited some different monuments: the Buckingham palace, the Big Ben, London Eye, Trafalgar Square, and some different gardens with a river and animals. At mid-morning we had lunch and then we had free time. We took advantage of going shopping to buy some souvenirs and gifts for our families. At 4:30 pm, we returned to Cirencester and later we went home. We had dinner with our host families, and we went early to bed, because we were extremely tired. We had walked a lot.


On Friday, we started the classes at 9 am and finished at 12 pm. Next, we went to the hall of the academy for the delivery of our diplomas. Then we had lunch and went to the city center. First, we did a quiz about taking photos to the main monuments near that. After that we had free time, we went to a sport shop and ate in the KFC. At half past five we returned with our families to have dinner. Finally, we returned to the academy because we had a disco party. In mi opinion it is a good idea because we had to wear individual headphones and could listen to music but i didn’t like it very much because the music was in English, and I felt a little bored as I could not understand the lyrics.


These are the students who have collaborated in the essay: Monday, Pablo Diéguez Cadenas; Tuesday, Alberto García Pérez; Wednesday, Ana de la Prieta Rodríguez; Thursday, Carla Sánchez Charro; Friday, Beltrán Martínez Marcos).