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Welcome to ES-TC,

The Energy Storage Technical Committee (ES-TC) of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IEEE-IES) was established in 2013 in order to promote research in the field of energy storage technologies, as well as the management and integration of energy storage systems (ESSs) into the emerging industrial applications, such as electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable energies.

ES-TC Mission:

The ES-TC aims to provide an open, multi-disciplinary, and dynamic environment to foster aggregation and collaboration among experts from academy and industry interested in testing, modeling, managing, and deploying energy storage systems. The main focus is on rechargeable batteries and super-capacitors, but attention is also drawn to other innovative energy storage technologies. An important goal of the ES-TC is the dissemination of up-to-date research achievements and new ideas related to the topics of interest for the TC (link to the topic page). On these topics, the ES-TC promotes the organization of special sessions on IEEE-IES Transactions and Conferences, as well as tutorials and workshops.

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Please feel free to directly contact the TC chairs and secretary if you are interested in contributing to the Energy Storage Technical Committee.

We are now Calling for a Webinar. For detailed information please [Click Here].

1st ES-TC meeting at IECON13, Vienna, Austria.

Group photo at the Banquet of IESES23 in Shanghai, China.