New Challenges of Risk and RAMS Analysis in the 4.0 Industry

  • New Risk and reliability analysis methods

  • Risk based inspection

  • Quantitative risk assessment

  • CFD simulation and assessment of life safety

Environmental protection and sustainable development in the industry

  • Waste Management and treatment

  • Transition to renewable energy

  • Industry impact on the environment and development sustainable

  • Green Manufacturing and Eco-innovation

Next generation of industrial informatics and intelligent systems

  • Process Modeling, simulation and numerical analysis

  • Intelligent decision support system

  • Deep learning for Complex data of industrial systems

  • Evolutionary computing technics in industry

Added value of electromechanical engineering and industrial maintenance in future industry

  • Automation and robotics of mechanical systems

  • Diagnoses and predictive maintenance

  • Process statistical control, Process design and optimizations

  • Maintenance Decision Support Systems

Industrial engineering and instrumentation in the 21 century

  • Smart sensors networking and control technologies

  • Knowledge manufacturing systems

  • Industrial Internet of thinks IOT

  • Prediction and warning systems