Manya-The Princeton Review, Kanpur | Study Abroad Consultant

About Us Manya Education Private Limited (MEPL), the best frivolity of The Princeton Review (TPR) universally, offers beginning to end bearing and answer for all the abroad heading rudiments. Manya, named after one of the 1008 pictures of Goddess Saraswati, suggests free improvement of insightfulness and thankfulness while isolating between some taboo and the right. Since its inspiration in 2002, Manya – The Princeton Review holds an excellent history of arranging more than 2 Lakh understudies. Manya-The Princeton Review, Kanpur | Study Abroad Consultant .

With a constantly making connection investigating 47 obsessions in India, Manya-The Princeton Review has set up itself as one of the critical relationship in admissions to the world's top schools, concentrate abroad test procedure and language and correspondence masterminding.

The union twists around new school validations and accomplices understudies through the entire journey starting from short-posting of schools, test planning, developing a bona fide application framework, talk with prep and visa affiliations. We trust in helping understudies with understanding their dreams. Set up in 1981, The Princeton Review is gotten settled New York, is a dash of ST Unitas, an as a rule preparing association, nicknamed as 'The Fastest Rocket in Korea'; and has made to get one of the fundamental relationship in EduTech.