IELTS speaking tips, information, advice, model answers and topics to help you prepare successfully for your IELTS speaking test. This page contains everything you need to know and the essential skills for a high score in IELTS speaking.

The problem may be you are not sure what to learn and how to practice and I am guessing that makes you feel frustrated. I believe everyone can improve their English speaking skills and build their confidence, and to do it in online spaces.

Ielts Speaking Learning English

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First of all, you can practice past exam questions at home by yourself and record your answers. Listening back to these will really help you understand your strengths and weaknesses.Click this link to watch my video lesson on practising speaking from home.

In this course, we will be working through examples of good and great responses to each of the speaking tasks, and unpacking them with you so that you can understand how to achieve your desired score.

Try and use a range of grammatical structures using complex and simple sentences to express what you want to say. Know your own errors and practice speaking to friends in English, or record yourself to see if you can spot errors. If you hear an error, make sure to correct yourself. You are assessed on your ability to use different grammatical structures accurately, so it's important to practise speaking about the past, the present and the future using correct tenses.

IELTS speaking test contains 3 parts, each lasting about 4 minutes. You should answer the questions spontaneously and it's a good idea to read a lot of different full IELTS Speaking samples to get ready for the test.

On this page you can find a variety of IELTS Speaking topics that you can face on the test day. Each speaking topic contains an IELTS Speaking Sample with questions from part 1, part 2 and part 3 of the speaking test + their model answers. Important vocabulary and linking words are highlighted for each speaking sample.

Your question is a difficult one to answer! Yes, achieving a band score of 7 in the speaking section would be difficult for someone who does not have a deep knowledge of English and a lot of experience speaking it. However, for someone who possesses a strong command of English, achieving a band score of 7 might be easily within reach.

To improve your IELTS Speaking, you should find a speaking partner if possible. Your partner should be able to ask you sample IELTS Speaking interview questions. If you can find a really proficient English speaker who can give you feedback on your speaking, all the better.

Studying a foreign language is not only a hobby but also a trend in modern society due to some undeniable advantages. Speaking more than one language can open up a world of employment opportunities for job seekers, especially if that language is widely used in a business context. You will be able to work for not only local but global corporates as well with decent salaries. In addition, being bilingual or multilingual will help extend your social network worldwide. You can establish deep connections and cross-cultural friendships with foreign co-workers or local people while travelling. Finally, your brain will benefit greatly from the learning activity itself. Research has shown that studying another language will alter your grey matter which helps to increase your brainpower.

Whether you have taken the IELTS test before, you will benefit from completing this course on the listening and speaking sections of the exam. The lessons in this course will improve your overall skills in both listening and speaking, and they will prepare you for every type of question in these sections of the test, increasing your chances of getting your target band scores.

Non-native speakers are often required by academic institutions to take the IELTS test to assess their level of English. The IELTS Speaking Test is essential when you enrol in an English-speaking university. Here, we answer your questions about the test.

Certified examiners assess your speaking. Your interview will be recorded and assessed later. The examiners who listen to your recording are given a rubric with the criteria for scoring on it. IELTS speaking band score ranges from 0-9. To improve your chances of as high a band score as possible, it is important to understand the Speaking Test format, and the four criteria that decide your band score:

Part 2 lasts 3-4 minutes. You will have 1 minute to prepare a topic before speaking for up to 2 minutes. The examiner will then ask one or two questions on the same topic to finish this part of the test. For example:

ITAs teaching foreign language classes in which they primarily teach in the target language may be certified with a score of 50 on the SPEAK test, a 7.5 on the speaking portion of the IELTS, or a score of 24 on the speaking portion of the TOEFL iBT.

I was pretty stressed about the speaking section of the test and mainly about my lack of knowledge about the marking criteria , but you were like an angel to me ma'am. Your course was a breath of fresh air for me which provided me with all I need to perform flawlessly in this test. Once again THANK YOU VERY MUCH MA'AM!!!!

Hi Ms. Asiya, your course really help me a lot to enhance my speaking skills. You used tools that is very useful for learning and they are easy to understand too. You're really such an amazing IELTS teacher. Thank you for bringing me more closer to my dream by passing the exam. Keep motivating future aspirant like me. God bless

Speaking course is going well. Definitely i am satisfied with the information you provide, tips, role , examples including the opportunity to simultaneously practice by using the vocabulary and sentences. I am engaged with this training and i believe i will pass it. When it comes to practice text i found it quite big challenging. Unfortunately, i noticed that speaking is my weakness part in this learning process. However, i also realized that i am getting use to it and don't want to finish practicing. There were diverse topic which required different opinion, as a result i tried to remember as much all these vocabulary, link words, idiomatic language, verb tenses that i have learnt during this course and apply them in my answers. This part was really funny. I sure i will go through it again to more confident. I would appreciate with you can provide me more speaking text exercises.Thank you Asiya for providing us materials to support our learning. You can not imagine how happy i am with your lessons God bless you

The teacher on your  IELTS Production Skills Course is dedicated to the parts of the exam you need the most help with: Speaking and Writing. We do things differently in our classrooms, using a blend of the latest technology with traditional language learning methods, and we base our lessons on you and your IELTS goals. Each week, you practise focused speaking and writing skills in a warm and friendly environment. The lessons start with clear weekly goals, and include a weekly one-to-one session with your teacher to work on your own individual learning plan. You will have regular progress assessments and feedback, guided by your SELT learning portfolio.

The speaking part of the IELTS exam lasts from 11-14 minutes and comprises three parts. In the first part, you, the candidate, and the examiner have a short general chat. In the second part, you will be given a card with some prompts on and asked to speak about the topic for 1-2 minutes after some preparation time. In the final part, you and and the examiner have a more in-depth discussion with more abstract questions based about the same topic as Part Two.

So how can this be applied to pronunciation? How can you visualise speaking? Well, need to use specific muscles to speak a language. Every time you make a sound, you are using specific muscular actions.

The examiner can always tell if you have memorized your answers. And in the end, it will only hurt you. The examiner wants to test your ability to speak naturally. Memorized answers do not come across as natural speaking and this will be reflected in your score.

And finally, it should go without saying, practice, practice, practice. Find a friend and practice with them. Practice in front of a mirror. Record yourself and listen after. But whatever, you do, give yourself lots of speaking practice.

The English Language Testing Service (ELTS), as IELTS was then known, was launched in 1980 by Cambridge English Language Assessment (then known as UCLES) and the British Council. It had an innovative format, which reflected changes in language learning and teaching, including the growth in 'communicative' language learning and 'English for specific purposes'. Test tasks were intended to reflect the use of English language in the 'real world'.

IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training are designed to cover the full range of abilities from non-user to expert user. The Academic version is for test takers who want to study at the tertiary level in an English-speaking country or seek professional registration. The General Training version is for test takers who want to work, train, study at a secondary school or migrate to an English-speaking country.[14]

I believe that it is essential to learn another language for several reasons. It helps us understand different cultures, think in new ways, and communicate with people from all corners of the globe. Also, the process of learning a new language provides mental stimulation and helps to keep our brains sharp.

NOTE: IELTS is jointly managed by the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL), British Council and IDP: IELTS Australia. This website does NOT represent or affiliated with any of the IELTS Test Partners. The official IELTS website is

They all inform and affect each other. As you learn to write in English, this will help you with speaking. As you practise listening in English, this will in turn improve your spoken and written English. 006ab0faaa

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