How to achieve 8+ band score in IELTS with Abroad

Achieving high band score in IELTS test is the aspiration of most of the test takers but it is not achieved by all. It is indeed a very challenging task to score 8 bands and above, even for someone who has good command on the language but definitely not something that cannot be achieved. One needs to have the right strategy and support to be able to obtain that score. Eight bands and more are given to someone who is a very good user of English and makes minor mistakes in unfamiliar conditions only. The English competency of such people is really great.

Taking Orientation: Learning about the modules in detail is most important to understand the expectation of the examiners so that you can provide what they are looking for in a proficient English language user. In Abroad Gateway when a student enrolls, he or she is provided the detailed sessions on all the four modules and it takes almost a week to complete this because our teachers teach all the aspects of each of the modules at length. If you want to score high bands then it is essential that you do not skip these classes and pick everything that is taught. Many times students do not take the initial classes too seriously which is a big mistake as it makes the base of the upcoming preparation. The teachers also teach here the practical skills required to excel in the tests which are extremely useful in the exam and lead to great outcome.

Implementation of the Learning: Attending orientation is very important but it will be of no use if you do not implement the learning while solving the tests. That is the reason in Abroad Gateway you are made to practice the sample tests post the orientation classes where you get the opportunity to use all the skills and tips delivered by the teachers in the foundation class. In these daily practice classes, the skills and tricks taught before are tested and also revised so that students do not forget them.

Opportunity to Use The Language: Unlike most of the IELTS Coaching Center in Chandigarh where teachers only tell students to use the English language but do not do it themselves, the educators in Abroad Gateway believe in “Practice what you Preach” and therefore use the language themselves so that students are also encouraged to use it and they could practice Speaking it with the teachers while discussions and doubt clearing in the class. Sometimes the teachers write the samples themselves on student’s notebooks to show them how to write effectively rather than picking up samples from the internet which are not always correct and relevant.

Accurate Correction of the Tasks: In Abroad Gateway due to the vast experience the teachers correct the students’ tasks everyday accurately and provide the detailed remarks on the mistakes made by them so that they know where they have lost marks and what they should keep in mind while writing the next time. The same approach is applied for Reading, Listening and speaking as well. The doubt clearing on Reading and Listening is also detailed leaving no confusion. The feedback for Speaking is also very specific so that student knows what to do and what not to do. These are the actions which ensure great improvement in the language skills in theoretical and practical aspects resulting in a very high score in the final test.  IELTS Coaching Institute in Chandigarh

Vocab & Grammar Sessions: As lexical resources and Grammatical Accuracy are two of the main aspects of scoring Writing & Speaking, their significance in scoring eight and above bands cannot be neglected. To be a very good user you must have good range of vocabulary and sentence structures and to teach that in Abroad Gateway the teachers teach vocabulary and grammar daily so that you learn good words, idioms and their correct usage and different types of sentence structures to make you language impressive and effective so that you can acquire eight and more bands in the IELTS exam.

The aforementioned actions definitely make the students aspire and achieve high band score in the IELTS test so if you too want to do that then you must not go anywhere else.

How Do Students Benefit From Our IELTS Coaching

Taking coaching for English proficiency is in trend these days due to the rise in the number of students or professionals preferring to go to English speaking countries in search of a good life. It is the right course of action too because for something as important as this on which your future lies, it is best to take the help of professional experts. If you are reading this page then congratulations to you as you have reached the right place to pursue coaching to clear IELTS exam as Abroad Gateway is the Best IELTS Coaching Center which is located in sector 42, though you should not blindly believe what is mentioned and therefore it is necessary that you read the reasons for that too, let’s look at it:

A Nice Mix of Theory & Practical: The teachers at this institute are experts of their field and have gained huge experience teaching aspirants to prepare them to score well in the final IELTS test. The long experience has provided the insight about the issues faced by the students while using the English language correct, fluently and comfortably. Due to this they follow a little different approach to teach students which involves teaching theory of the grammatical rules as well as their practical application in writing and speaking highlighting the difference between the written and spoken English.

More than Enough Practice Material: Abroad Gateway makes the students practice a lot so that they master the skills to attempt the test to obtain good bands. Having sufficient practice material is extremely beneficial for the aspirants to build and boost their confidence to face the test. All the latest tests are included in the material as and when they are launched in the market making them available for their students.

All the Aspects of Language Covered: A language has various aspects, some of which are not too visible but make a lot of difference. The expert trainers of this center cover all of them in the class to ensure that the students know what to do and when to do as per the situation or scenario in the modules. For instance, sometimes a student is clear with the grammar and makes correct sentences but lacks in generating the relevant ideas on a topic and explains it clearly, in such a case it is crucial for the teachers to teach the various ways a student can use to develop views on a certain subject which are rational.

Realistic Personal Feedback& Suggestions: There is no doubt that giving the honest and timely feedback to the students makes the learning process effective but how good is that if the teachers do not suggest the actions that a student could take or implement to work on the problem. Understanding this, the teaching team offers feedback coupled with the suggestions of the activities that a student can do to improve on the weak points. It has been observed that many of the IELTS coaching Center Near Me just focus on attempting the modules and highlighting the mistakes but fail to give means to facilitate improvement and even when they do, the solutions are very unrealistic, so students fail to implement them leading to very less or no improvement.

Special Exam Practice: In this institute there is extra focus given to the students who had booked their test and are about to take the IELTS exam. These students get to practice the tests daily just like the exam and then are provided doubt clearing on them the same day ensuring better performance the next day. Also, there is special practice for the Speaking modules including all the latest Cue-card topics to have better idea generation on the D-day.

Extra Support: There is always extra support for all the students who enroll in the center in any aspect, be it grammar, vocal, writing skills and even visa counselling and filing so that they do not need to go anywhere else as this industry is full of fraudulent visa companies and it is hard to trust an organization. A lot of the students who prepare for IELTS choose to take the assistance of the proficient visa team for visa application filing to go abroad. In past many of our students have gone to their preferred countries and are living happily there which can be viewed on our social media accounts.

In conclusion, all of the above advantages make us the Best IELTS Coaching Centre in Chandigarh, so if you are also planning to take the IELTS test, you know where to come for the coaching.

The best way to prepare for the IELTS test

As there are many Indian students who dream to go abroad to have a better life for them and their family members, there are many IELTS test takers as well. It is essential that one prepares well for the test so that they get the required bands in the first attempt only. People opt many ways for IELTS preparation, some do self-study, some get enrolled into an IELTS Coaching Center in Chandigarh and some take online coaching. There are a lot of institutes which coach aspirants to clear the IELTS test and follow their respective coaching styles; however, not all of them are able to deliver results. That is why it is necessary that you choose the best IELTS coaching center in your city for your preparation.

The most appropriate plan of action for the IELTS preparation is as follows:

·         Get the Overview of IELTS test: To begin with the preparation you should first learn about various factors related to the IELTS test by getting an overview of the test. You should know in brief about all the modules (Academic &General Training), grading system, and test booking process, result declaration and validity. Also, it is important to know about both the modes of the exam (Paper based and Computer delivered) so that you can decide which one will be better for you. Do check about the band score requirement for you as per the type of visa you need.


·         Learn about each of the module in detail: After getting the bird’s eye view of the IELTS exam and deciding which test you will be taking Academic or GT, it is time to learn about all the modules in detail so that you understand what is expected from you. It is important that you know the format of the tests and the rules that the test taker has to follow along with the skills required to answer the question types in each module. You should try to get the tips to answer the test.


·         Start attempting the practice tests: Once the detailed knowledge about all the modules is acquired, the student must start attempting the test for each module one by one implementing all the knowledge gained about them in the given time so that time management is also practiced which is extremely important. 


·         Get the test corrected by an expert: Regular practice will deliver results only when your work is assessed by someone who is an expert language user so that you get to know about your mistakes and areas of improvement so that you can work on them to score better. This is important especially in case of Writing and Reading.


·         Practice speaking with a proficient Speaker: Speaking module is often considered as the most difficult one as one has to be quick and relevant while answering the questions. Facing a personal interview is itself challenging for many and when you are aware that you are being judged on everything you speak then it becomes all the more difficult, that is why it is needed that you practice speaking following the format and rules set by the exam conducting bodies. It is crucial that you practice speaking with a language expert so that you can get the correct feedback for improvement of the spoken English.


·         Get the doubts in all the modules cleared regularly: Clarification of the doubts must happen on regular basis because practicing with doubts is of no use. It is imperative that you find an expert to clear your doubts so that your preparation could go into the right direction.


·         Booking the Test: When you start scoring the desired bands on daily basis then it is time to take the test, you should get the test booked at a center that is convenient for you. The good IELTS coaching centers can also book it for you as they are mostly authorized to do that.


All in all, the above written steps ought to be followed to get the desired outcome and the perfect way to make this possible is to join the Best IELTS Coaching Center in Chandigarh so that you get an expert professional trainer to teach you and guide you through the preparation process. If you do that you do not have to worry much about taking the right course of action because your teacher will be there to give you that.


The best IELTS Institute in Chandigarh

Chandigarh is the only architecturally designed city of India which operates as the capital of two main states; Punjab and Haryana. These states have highest number of youth migrating to developed nations to gain qualification or employment as per their interest. This makes Chandigarh the city where residents of these states come to apply for their visa as per the purpose of going abroad.

Whether you plan to go for education or employment, it is advised that you clear the IELTS test to prove your proficiency of English. Although there are other English language tests too but IELTS is most accepted test in the world and if you score well in this test then you will have more options and opportunities in abroad. Due to this there are a lot of IELTS coaching institutes in Chandigarh to cater to the English learning needs of the aspiring youth who come to the city to apply for their visa. Most of the times the people who wish to prepare for the IELTS test get enrolled in not so good centers resulting in bad result which is very demotivating for them and many of such individuals drop the idea of going abroad due to this. Therefore, enrolling in the best IELTS coaching center is the crucial step in the process of getting the desired visa. If you too wish to join the top institute then you must get enrolled in Abroad Gateway in Chandigarh but first read what you will get in this institute.

Best Trainers: The institute has highly experienced teachers who are language experts and are able to teach all the aspects of the English language to the students. The trainers know how to simplify the learning process for the students understanding their present language level so that students could learn the concepts easily. They teach using the local language wherever needed to clear the concepts of English language so that the students can understand them well.

Well- Planned Curriculum: The teaching schedule is curate well to incorporate the factors affecting language learning. When a student takes admission they first have to undergo the detailed orientation of the IELTS exam and all the modules. This takes 3 to 4 days to complete because you are taught each module’s format, grading system, question types and skills necessary to answer them accurately.

After that the student is shifted to the class where he or she attempts the one test per module everyday where they use the learning’s of the orientation class. The teacher provides the correct answers and explanations on each of them to improve your understanding. For Writing the teachers sometimes do pre discussion and sometimes post discussion so that students learn to develop ideas on their own. Speaking is practiced in the cabin daily and the feedback is provided then and there which is beneficial for the improvement.

Vocabulary and Grammar topics are also covered regularly in the class to improve the language understanding and learning new words to score better. This is something that is expected from the best IELTS coaching institute.

Personal Feedback: The teachers provide personal feedbacks to the students as and when needed to hand-hold them and assist in fast learning.

Doubt Clarification: There is doubt clarification for all the modules every day. The tests are corrected daily and the corrections are also explained well. It is essential to have no doubts for positive growth of the performance.

Performance Review: Every week the students’ performance is assessed through the mock test which is just like the final test. This gives the students a very clear real-time picture of their performance which tells them how ready they are to take the real test. It is important to gauge the growth for ensuring that the training is going in the right direction and if need be extra support is provided to the students who need it. When they start scoring well in the mock tests consistently then the teacher advises them to book the test.

Exam Batch: Once the exam is booked, the student is put in the exam batch where he or she gets to practice rigorously by taking the mock tests daily till the day before the exam to have great results in the final exam. The performance is also discussed every day to clear the doubts.

Additional Support: Apart from all the above things they do for the preparation the team Abroad Gateway offers extra support as well by booking the exam for you, doing visa counselling so that you can file the visa as soon as your band score are received, assisting in getting student loan if required, making travel plan and providing forex services. This makes Abroad Gateway the best IELTS coaching institute in Chandigarh for you.