IEEE Task Force Language and Cognition
Chair and Vice Chairs
Xavier Hinaut (Inria)
Michael Spranger (Sony Computer Science Laboratories Inc.)
Clément Moulin-Frier (Cogitai)
Nikolaos Mavridis (MIT)
Anna Borghi (Italy)
Clément Moulin-Frier (France)
Ian Howard (UK)
Jean-Christophe Baillie (France)
Jean-Luc Schwartz (France)
Katharina Rohlfing (Germany)
Katerina Pastra (Greece)
Nikolas Hemion (France)
Nikolaos Mavridis (US)
Tadahiro Taniguchi (Japan)
Anne Warlaumont (US)
Xavier Hinaut (France)
Yulia Sandamirskaya (Switzerland)
Amir Aly (United Kingdom)
Activities by Members
IEEE ICDL-EPIROB 2019 Workshop on language learning
IROS 2019 Workshop on Language and robotics
Shonan Meeting on Learning to communicate: Challenges in language learning by AI, robots and humans
Workshop on Language and Robotics, IEEE IROS 2018
Course at summer school CARLA 'Concepts in Action: Representation, Learning, and Application
Symposium on Cognitive Computing Thinking Beyond Deep Learning
Joint Workshop on Architectures and Evaluation for Generality, Autonomy and Progress in AI (AEGAP), IJCAI-ECAI 2018, AAMAS 2018 and ICML 2018
Joint Workshop on Shared Autonomy at IJCAI-ECAI 2018, AAMAS 2018 and ICML 2018
IROS 2018 Workshop on "Towards Intelligent Social Robots: From Naive Robots to Robot Sapiens”
Collaborative and multimodal endeavor of language learning. Cognitive Science Colloquium at the University of Toronto, 28. September 2018.
Pragmatic Frames—a multimodal and interpersonal alternative to mapping a word onto a concept in language acquisition. TRACE-Workshop in Cognitive Science. Normativity in Embodied and Situated Cognition, Brussels 27.–28. June 2018.
Workshop “Expanding the field” DFT Bootcamp (Norwich, UK, June 7-9, 2018)
CocoSym2018: Thinking Beyond Deep Learning at City University, London (UK)
Workshop on "Perceptuo-motor relationships in speech communication" in Geneva, January 2018
Special issue on Varieties of abstract concepts at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. (in press, 2018)
2nd Workshop on Language Learning at 2017 IEEE ICDL-EPIROB September 18th 2017 - Lisbon, Portugal
2nd Workshop on Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics at IROS September 28th, 2017 - Vancouver, Canada
EUCognition meeting in Zurich (EUCOG2017), Nov. 23.-24. 2017
Dynamic Field Theory Summer school in Bochum (Aug. 28. - Sept. 2 2017)
Interaction Studies Special Section on "Computational and Robotics Models of Language Development" (2016)
Special Issue on ”Cognitive Robotics" in Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Artificial Intelligence JETAI (2016)
Tutorial on Language Learning and Evolution at International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-15 (July 2015)