IEEE Cognitive and Developmental Systems 

Task Force on Human-Robot Interaction

Aim and Scope

The main goal of the Human-Robot Interaction Task Force is to establish a network within the CDS TC to bring together academic and industry interest in human-robot interaction (HRI) in the context of developmental robotics. The TF will promote the HRI in developmental robotics through providing support (1) at dissemination events, such as summer schools, workshops, technical sessions and conferences, and (2) for publications such as special issues of relevant journals.

The scope of the task force includes the following topics:

Technical Committee 

Task Force Chair

Serge Thill, Donders Centre for Cognition, Radboud University, Netherlands

Task Force Vice Chair

Vicky Charisi, University College London, Institute of Education

Task Force Members

Tony Belpaeme, Gent University, Belgium / Plymouth University, UK

Kerstin Fischer, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Verena Hafner, Humboldt-Universität. Berlin, Germany

Yukie Nagai, Osaka University, Japan

Brian Scassellati,Yale University, USA

Amir Aly, Plymouth University, UK

Zhijun Li, University of Science and Technology of China, China