2nd Workshop on Security and Privacy in Distributed Ledger Technology


In conjunction with IEEE MASS 2021, October 4-7, 2021, Denver, Colorado, USA

Blockchain enables a distributed and tamper-resistant ledger platform which allows transactions and any other digital data to be securely stored and verified without the need of a centralized authority. In recent years, large number of Blockchain-based applications have been presented by both researchers and industry practitioners with varying design architectures, functional requirements and security guarantees. However, several key properties, such as distributed security, privacy, scalability, degree of decentralization etc., are under-evaluated in the current Blockchain architectures. This workshop will explore the use of formal methods, empirical analysis, and risk modeling techniques to understand the security and systemic risk in Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) or Blockchain protocols in a better way. This workshop would facilitate multidisciplinary collaboration among practitioners and researchers working in the field of Blockchain design (e.g., the underpinning cryptographic protocols), distributed systems, cryptography (including cryptanalysis), computer security, and risk management, etc. Specifically, SP-DLT workshop will provide a high-quality forum for participants across research and industry, where research papers offering novel contributions in Blockchain space will be presented and discussed. Papers may present advances in the theory, design, implementation, analysis, verification, or empirical evaluation and measurement of existing Blockchain systems. Papers that shed new light on past or informally known results by means of sound formal theory or through empirical analysis will also be welcomed.

The workshop will also include:

  • A keynote speech given by a renowned researcher on the topic of Blockchain

  • Birds-of-a-feather discussions in groups aligned with the workshop themes

  • Poster/Work-in-progress papers

  • Journal Publication: A selected set of top-quality papers may be invited to submit full papers to a special issue.

  • Best Paper: All the regular papers will be considered for the BEST PAPER AWARD.