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Paper Submission Deadline: 20 January 2024

Paper Acceptance Notification: 6 March 2024

Camera Ready: 15 March 2024

Submission link: Here


Rate-Splitting Multiple Access has received tremendous attention from scientists and engineers for its great potential to cope with the high throughput, massive connectivity, ultra reliability, and heterogeneity of quality of service QoS envisioned in 6G. By exploiting splitting of user messages as well as non-orthogonal transmission of common messages decoded by multiple users and private messages decoded by their corresponding users, RSMA can softly bridge and therefore reconcile the two extreme interference management strategies of fully decoding interference and treating interference as noise. RSMA has been recognized as a promising PHY layer transmission paradigm for non-orthogonal transmission, interference management, and multiple access in 6G, which will fundamentally reform the PHY layer and lower MAC layer design of wireless communication networks.

This workshop is dedicated to the theory, design, optimization, and applications of RSMA in many different scenarios relevant to wireless communication and signal processing for 6G, such as the application of RSMA in massive MIMO, cooperative transmission with user relaying, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS), multibeam satellite communications, low latency and finite block length, integrated sensing and communications, and federated learning.

This International Workshop on Rate-Splitting Multiple Access will take place during IEEE ICC 2024 in Denver, USA The workshop will provide a forum for sharing new ideas, hearing recent developments and brainstorming on emerging RSMA techniques for 6G and beyond networks. We aim to bring together leading researchers in the field, both from academia and industry, to share their recent findings and their views on how RSMA can tackle numerous challenges of future generation wireless networks.


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: