
Upcoming Events

The Future of Wireless Channel Model Standards

The RCC Special Interest Group on Propagation Channels for 5G and Beyond proposes to discuss about the pathways towards the definition of such a common framework for standardization efforts in wireless channel modelling in a technical panel session in ICC 2023 where five experts on channel modelling, representatives of different stakeholders, e.g., standardization bodies, measurement equipment suppliers, planning tools companies, and academia, will share their points of view and approaches to understand whether a common approach is possible and likely sketching a roadmap and a common baseline.

Speakers: Leszek Raschkowski (Fraunhofer HHI), Chong Han (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), Chris Anderson (United States Naval Academy), Taro Eichler (Rohde & Schwarz) and Tarun Chawla (Remcom Inc.)

Organizers: A. Molisch (USC), D. Cassioli (Univ. l’Aquila), L. Azpilicueta (UPNA)  

 ICC 2024/ WCNC 2024 (Tentative)

3rd Workshop on Wireless Propagation Channels for 5G and B5G

Chair: D. Cassioli (Univ. l’Aquila)

Steering committee (ex officio): 

A. Molisch (USC)

L. Azpilicueta (UPNA)  

A. Chandra (NIT Durgapur)

Past Events

SIG Meetings

Meeting #02: Feb. XX, 2023

Meeting #01: Dec. 15, 2022