Propagation Channels for 5G and Beyond

Special Interest Group


  • Propagation channels are basis on which systems are designed and tested

  • Need to account for new deployment scenarios and frequency ranges

  • 5G and B5G have many scenarios that are insufficiently covered (e.g., mm-wave V2V, UAV channels, THz, Cloud-RAN channels, factory IoT channels,….)

Goals for SIG

  • Establishment of webpage for information exchange, pointing to new papers

  • Organization of tutorials and lectures

  • Organization of workshops/symposia at ComSoc conferences

Liaison with Standardization Groups

Liaison with NIST NextG Channel Model Alliance (A. Molisch)

  • Main activity of alliance: comparison of different high-resolution parameter extraction methods; work on “best practices” for sounder calibration.

Liaison with Channel Propagation Modeling Ad Hoc Committee (A. Molisch)

  • Organized in 6 different subgroups associated with one of the most relevant use cases for today’s channel modeling activities

  • Typically, the subgroups organize monthly remote meetings

Liaison with the IEEE SA WG P2982 on Millimeter-Wave Channel Sounder Verification (D. Cassioli)

The standard recommends methods for verifying millimeter-wave channel sounder performance based upon comparison of processed channel measurement data to either theory or an artifact having known characteristics. Such measurement data may be collected in situ, under controlled conditions or by comparison to a reference measurement. The verification results may be used to:

  • identify and correct shortcomings in channel sounder performance and/or postprocessing techniques

  • give confidence that a given set of channel measurement data is suitable for inclusion in a pooled database