Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This policy applies to all information collected or submitted on Text Scanner’s website and our apps for iPhone and any other devices and platforms.

Your Consent

By using our site or apps, you consent to our privacy policy.

Information we collect

New Text Scanner app accounts' are created anonymously, without asking for email addresses, passwords. Our apps can be used completely without any information provided by you other than holdings you decide to add in the app at your own discretion.

Information usage

We use the information we collect to operate and improve our website, apps, and customer support.

We do not share personal information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to accomplish Text Scanner's functionality. We may share anonymous, aggregate statistics with outside parties at any time for any reason.

We may disclose your information in response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal requirements; to exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, suspected fraud or abuse, violations of our policies; or to protect our rights and property.

In the future, we may sell to, buy, merge with, or partner with other businesses. In such transactions, user information may be among the transferred assets.

Ad's and Analytics

Text Scanner's app collects aggregate, anonymous statistics, such as the percentage of users who use particular features, to improve the app. Personal data such as location, device specific information could be used to target Text Scanner's ads through Ad Partners at the Ad Partners discretion. Currently Text Scanner uses Google AdMob to provide in app advertising. These ads are show at the discretion of the provider.


We implement a variety of security measures to help keep your information secure. For instance, all communication with the app and our servers requires HTTPS.

Accessing, changing, or deleting information

You may access or change your information or delete your data from the Text Scanner iOS app at anytime. This will remove all the holdings we store locally on the device. We do not store your holdings on our servers.

Third-party links and content

Text Scanner displays links and content from third-party content and sites. These third party providers have their own independent privacy policies, and we have no responsibility or liability for their content or activities.

Information for European Union Customers

By using Text Scanner and providing your information, you authorize us to collect, use, and store your information outside of the European Union.

International Transfers of Information

Information may be processed, stored, and used outside of the country in which you are located. Data privacy laws vary across jurisdictions, and different laws may be applicable to your data depending on where it is processed, stored, or used.

Contacting Us

If you have questions regarding this privacy policy, you may email Please note that account deletion should be done within the Text Scanner app, not via email requests, for security reasons.

Changes to this policy

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes on this page. Summary of changes so far:

  • 25th Oct, 2020: First published