Idle Deck Builder

Unlock cards of new types and rarities and upgrade them as you perfect your deck. 

How to play:

- PLAYING: Drag Cards from the hand to the playing field to apply their abilities. Increase your coins to buy or upgrade cards.

- CARDS: Display the type of award and cost they have, and the amounts. They also have a level (bottom left) and a rarity (border colour = grey<green<blue<purple<gold) effecting their return values.

- MANA: Each time mana depletes (whether logged in or not) you will recive your current round score, as well as your 'Best' score x your multiplier. You can adjust max mana to balance play time and earning rate.

- MULTIPLIER: Your multiplier can be increased by locking in your current level, resetting your game. 

-RESET: locks in your score, and resets mana bar, does not pay out idle earnings

Road Map 

Bugs or more ideas!? Please email me at.