Tips for leveling up

Idle Heroes is classified "idle" for an explanation: Leveling yourself isn't excessively hard in this game. You can level yourself just by sitting "idle". Your heroes will keep on battling regardless of whether you are nowhere to be found and grant you level focuses. Leveling your heroes, then again, can be very expensive, tedious, and testing. In this guide, we will show you the quickest methods of leveling your heroes and what you should target during your excursion to the end-game stage.

First of all: Leveling Yourself

There are two gatherings in Idle Heroes that need to step up: you and your heroes. It won't be that difficult to raise your own level. To open every one of the highlights of the game, you should be level 70 and you can without much of a stretch arrive at this figure in about seven days. (Obviously, this time will differ contingent upon your playing recurrence.) Your own level is free of the level of your heroes and doesn't give them a benefit in battle. You just need to build the level of your character to open the highlights of the game and gain admittance to different test missions.

Each mission, field fight, and occasion you complete will give you XP focuses. You can leap to the following level utilizing these focuses. Yet, recall that your heroes keep on battling in any event, when you are not playing: Every time you sign in to the game, gathered XP focuses will be hanging tight for you. Here is a model for better arrangement: We left the game at level 21 and when we signed in following 24 hours, the amassed XP directs permitted us toward immediately ascend to level 32. Make sure to check the continuous Campaign journeys each time you sign in: Your amassed focuses will be there sitting tight for you.

Picking the Heroes to Level

To build the level of your heroes, you need two sources: Gold and Spirit. Getting them isn't so difficult until your heroes arrive at level 30: The game gives free gold and soul focuses at regular intervals overall. You additionally get them for each mission and occasion you complete.

After level 30, in any case, you should begin acting specifically as the measure of gold and soul needed to raise a level will begin to expand, a great deal. At this phase of the game, you will not have the option to get enough assets to expand the level of your whole legend group.

Hence, you should set yourself a few targets and act appropriately. Our suggestions are:

Pick 18 heroes. You will make three programs with them: one for PvP and the other two for PvE. (On the off chance that you are not inspired by PvP, pick 12 heroes.) You will utilize 6 of these heroes for attack missions. You will utilize the other 6 for standard PvE errands. (We suggest investigating our Heroes Guide to have a thought of ​​which heroes you ought to pick.)

Preferably, your strike (and PvP) mission group should comprise of 5-star heroes. Utilize 4-star heroes for standard PvE missions.

Give the best gear and ancient rarities to the heroes in the assault group. Your other heroes can utilize the gear that comes from the mission grants.

A short time later, simply center around expanding the level of the heroes you picked. Your primary goal ought to be to utilize all your gold and soul focuses for the strike group. Your other heroes should just be overhauled after the assault group gets the "lion's offer".

Leveling Your Heroes

Idle Heroes has a significant contrast from comparative games: Your heroes can not procure XP focuses that they can use for themselves by finishing missions. These focuses just influence your own level. All in all, the lone method of leveling your heroes is to utilize gold and soul focuses. Hypothetically, as long as you have enough of these two sources, you can raise every saint to the last level very quickly without playing for quite a long time. In any case, we don't have limitless assets: We need to win gold and soul "physically".

You can utilize similar assets to get soul as well. However, recall that all in all, you will acquire less soul than gold. Obviously, you can likewise purchase diamonds and afterward gold or soul with genuine cash, yet we will probably play as "free" as could really be expected.

To give you a thought, redesigning a saint to level 40, which is the last level, requires a normal of 100k gold. This is certainly not a high sum, and surprisingly following half a month of play you can procure sufficient gold to redesign your whole assault group. Yet, soul will be more enthusiastically and more to get. For easygoing players, we can say that it requires around multi month to redesign the 12-part group we referenced above to level 40. Proficient players can get this going in around fourteen days.

Advancing Your Heroes

You will actually want to advance your heroes once they arrive at level 30 interestingly. At the point when they arrive at level 40, you may have the option to advance them from here on out: 40 is the last level your heroes can reach. Developing a saint will give a Tier update.

You need "legend advancement stones" to overhaul a level. You can get these stones from three sources:

Mission missions (a few journeys give advancement stones however not all)

Pinnacle of Oblivion missions (you can win a predetermined number of advancement stones from every mission)

Dismantling (heroes you penance at the Altar give you advancement stones as an award)

Commercial center (From time to time, the commercial center sells advancement stones, which you can purchase in return for diamonds)

Every legend has an alternate most extreme Tier level, and the higher the level, the more remarkable it is. So hold your most noteworthy Tier heroes for your assault mission group.