Shake it off.
抖落 - 擺脫(某人); 從某人處逃脫
也可以這麼用:假設您和朋友一起打棒球時,球非常重地擊中您的腿。 想要擺脫痛苦或是別在意,可以說:“Shake it off.”。
When a dog gets wet, it doesn’t get sad. It shakes it off.
Teacher: What’s wrong Johnnie?
Johnnie: (crying) I fell down.
Teacher: Are you hurt?
Johnnie: No.
Teacher: Ok. Shake it off, stop crying, and go to class.
Betty: Why are you crying, Jenny?
Jenny: (crying) I got an F on my math exam.
Betty: Well, we have to study for the Chinese exam that is tomorrow.
So, shake it off and let’s start studying.
Give it a rest.
別煩我 - 別再跟我說話了
這也是有字面意義和成語的含義的另一個短語。 從字面上看,如果您和狗在一起玩了很長的時間,最後您的媽媽大喊:Give it a rest! 狗就是(it)”。 媽媽的意思是讓狗休息。她還可以說 Give him a rest 或 Give her a rest。
也可以這麼說: 假設某人一遍又一遍地做惹惱您的某事。 例如,每天請求媽媽讓您養一隻寵物蛇。 最後,媽媽認為夠了。她可以跟您說 Give it a rest .夠了沒,代表說很多次了,別再說了。
Victor: Tina, I'm sorry I spent so much money playing games. I won't do it again.
Tina: You say that every month, Victor.
Victor: I promise, this time will be different.
Tina: Give it a rest, Victor. You always say you'll change, but you don't!
Mom and Dad: Give it a rest.
Don't push your luck.
Mark: Hey, Billy. Is Dad happy today? I need to ask him a question.
Billy: Yes. He's happy today. This is a good time to ask.
Mark: Dad, I need to buy some things for my art class? But, I don't have any money. Can you help me?
Dad: Sure thing, son. How much do you need?
Mark: $50.
Dad: Well, here is $100. That should get you everthing you need.
Mark: Could you give me $150?
Dad: Don't push your luck, Mark.
Mark: Sorry, Dad. $100 is perfect. Thank you.
A little bird(ie) told me.
當某人(朋友A)告訴您另一個人(朋友B)的秘密時,如果您告訴朋友B您知道他的秘密,朋友B會問“誰告訴了您?”,但是您不希望朋友B知道誰告訴你的。 因此,您告訴朋友B, “A little bird(ie) told me.”。
Tom: Hey, John. How was your dinner with your new girlfriend?
John: That is a secret. How did you find out?
Tom: A little birdie told me.
Mom: Good luck, Melody. I heard you will try out for the school'd jazz band.
Melody: How do you know?
Mom: A little bird told me.