Interaction Design and Children (IDC2020) Workshop

Creating Opportunities for Children’s Critical Reflections on AI, Robotics and Other Intelligent Technologies

ONLINE/19 June 2020, 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm CET/1.00 pm - 5.00 pm BST

Robotics, automated systems and AI are gradually shaping novel techno-social realities especially in educational contexts.

However not enough space is being given to a critical reflection on the emerging ethical and social implications for designers/developers and the users, especially children.

This workshop will be running at the ACM Interaction Design and Children (IDC) conference 2020. We aim to create a space to discuss the current practices and the near future opportunities for the support of children’s reflections related to robotics, automated systems, and AI implied in educational environments.

We invite researchers from all disciplinary backgrounds to participate in the workshop, and submit an extended abstract to contribute to this discussion.

The main goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers/developers/practitioners/policy-makers who have interest in the current practices and policies of creating opportunities for children's reflections on AI, Robotics and other Intelligent Technologies.

We are looking for highly motivated people who have experience in this field and wish to share their thoughts and knowledge in a highly interactive event.


In consultation with the IDC General Chairs and the ACM, the workshop will be held online in a virtual environment. Please visit this page for further information about the virtual edition of the workshop.

We are follwoing ACM guidelines and we will organise this event in a way that could be feasable for partcipants to contribute and enjoy it!

We are still planning to have individual presentation, group work, plenary meeting and panelist discussion. We will encourage knowledge development, networking and ideas sharing.

Important Dates

Submission deadline: 13 April 2020 23:59 PST Extended to May 10th, 2020

Participants notified of acceptance: (on or before) 20 April 2020 Extended to May 12th, 2020

Camera-Ready Deadline (for workshop organizers): 30 April 2020 23:59 PST Extended to May 15, 2020

Workshop day: 19 June 2020 - half day (as part of IDC2020 conference)


If you have any comments or questions, please contact us