Mission Vision and Values
As a response to God's grace, we assist legal refugees who choose to relocate to Idaho Falls, and assist the community in welcoming them.
The Idaho Falls community welcomes newcomers and offers practical temporary assistance on their path to independence. Refugees learn English, find good jobs, and become integrated into the community. There are long-term cross-cultural friendships as equals.
All people, regardless of country of origin, ethnicity, or religious affiliation, are image bearers of God and have intrinsic value.
Entry to the United States is only to be done through legal means. IFBB will not facilitate illegal border crossings or harbor refugees who do not have legal standing.
We affirm that the goal of refugee resettlement is prompt independence and integration. We consider learning English and finding full time work to be high priorities. We will avoid any attitudes or actions that promote dependence.
Vetting of refugees is done by the US government as part of the visa process, not by IFBB. We do not investigate refugees, their families, or their backgrounds. However, if we become aware of threatening or illegal activities, they will be reported promptly to the appropriate authorities.
IFBB is not a political organization, and we hope to have the support and cooperation of those in the Idaho Falls community who identify as liberal, conservative, independent, or unaffiliated.
IFBB is not a religious organization, and is not controlled by or affiliated with a church or religion. We hope to have support and cooperation from those in the Idaho Falls community who are Muslim, Mormon, Christian of any denomination, members of other faith communities, or unaffiliated. (This is not intended to downplay the role of faith in energizing people to help refugees. The founders of IFBB are Christians motivated by the love of God in Christ and the teachings of Jesus.)
We affirm the message in the parable of the Good Samaritan, which is, we have a calling to help those in need, even if they are not the same race and religion as us, and even if we seem to be natural adversaries. IFBB will not reject a match with a refugee family simply because they are Christian, or Russian, or communist, or LGBT, or Muslim, etc.
We affirm the message of the Hebrew scriptures, that all people are called to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.”
We prioritize assisting refugees who are fleeing life-and-death situations, not merely attempting to improve economic opportunities.