
IFBB has no employees and the board of directors has personally covered all overhead costs (such as incorporation and the 1023 application fee), so 100% of donations have gone to directly benefit refugees. We receive no government funding.

Following is a summary of donations to IFBB and and the way they were used to benefit refugees, up to Dec 31 2022.  Note that some transactions were made by the Sponsor Circle prior to the incorporation of IFBB.  Also note that many valuable donations (housing, two cars, clothes, household supplies, etc) were made directly to the refugees without passing through IFBB.

Donations: Amount:

Churches $6,286.25

Corporations $10,000.00

Foundations $6,000.00

Individuals $7,450.00

Total: $29,736.25

Expenditures: Amount:

Education $7,130.00

Food and household $1,200.00

Housing $657.99

Transportation $10,120.00

Total: $19,107.99

Our calendar is Jan 1 to Dec 31, so expect an update on this page in early January for the 2023 financials.