Call for Papers

Interested researchers from both academia and industry are invited to submit papers in the following format: 4 pages + references + supplementary (if any), as a single PDF. Successful papers will be invited to present a 3-minute spotlight talk. We welcome any submissions, including those submitted to the RSS conference itself.

Submission Website:
LaTeX Template:


  • Paper due: 25th June 2020

  • Notification: 2nd July 2020

  • Camera ready: 10th July 2020

  • Workshop: 13th July 2020

Topics of interest involve, but are not limited to:

  • Multi-agent reinforcement learning

  • Motion forecasting of interactive behavior

  • Intent prediction

  • Socially-aware planning

  • Motion planning under uncertainty

  • Inverse reinforcement learning

  • Causal modelling for multi-agent systems

  • Game theory

  • POMDP planning

  • V2V communication and coordination

  • Gesture recognition

  • Forecasting metrics and benchmarks

  • Human-robot collaboration

  • Situation Awareness

  • Dynamic Scene Understanding