
Paper submission

All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

Submissions (either full papers in .pdf format (12 – 15 pages) or abstracts in plain text) should be uploaded using the the template provided by the LNCS instructions that can be found here :

Templates, sample files & useful links

  • LaTeX2e Proceedings Templates (zip) :
  • Microsoft Word Proceedings Templates (zip) :
  • Microsoft Word 2003 Proceedings Templates (zip) :

Accepted abstracts will appear in the book of abstracts (without ISBN).

In order to include your abstract in the book of abstracts of the conference, it must be carefully checked to avoid any English mistake. Additionally, abstract length must be set to a number of words between 150 and 200. A short acknowledgement is welcome under your abstract, if necessary. Finally, we encourage you to carefully review the affiliations and names of the authors.

The submission Web page for ICVNS2019 is :