Ερευνητικές μελέτες

2019: Nursing Students' Attitudes About Patients Living with HIV/AIDS. 1) Faculty of Health, Social care and Education, School of Nursing, Kingston University and St George's University of London. Name of the lead applicant: Dr Theodora Stroumpouki, Senior Lecturer in Adult Nursing. 2) Faculty of Health, Education, Medicine and Social Care, School of Nursing and Midwifery,, Anglia Ruskin University. Name of co- applicant: Dr Antonio Bonacaro, Senior Lecturer in Nursing. 3) School of Nursing, University of Bologna, Italy. Name of co- applicant: Dr Ivan Rubbi, Lecturer.4) Faculty of Health and Caring Sciences, Department of Nursing, University of West Attica (UWA), Athens, Greece. Names of co- applicant: Dr Areti Stavropoulou, Lecturer, Dr Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Associate Professor of Critical Care Nursing.

2019: Διερεύνηση της έννοιας "Άριστη νοσηλευτική φροντίδα". Απόψεις των φοιτητών Νοσηλευτικής. Επιστημονική Υπεύθυνη: Αρετή Σταυροπούλου. Μέλη ερευνητικής ομάδας: Ρέππα Ευδοκία, Παππά Αθηνά, Κελέση Μάρθα, Καμπά Ευρυδίκη, Φασόη Γεωργία.

2020: Υποβολή πρότασης στα πλαίσια της 2ης Προκήρυξης Ερευνητικών Έργων ΕΛ.ΙΔ.Ε.Κ. για την ενίσχυση Μελών ΔΕΠ και Ερευνητών/τριών (σε εξέλιξη). Τίτλος πρότασης: Follow-up of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) from COVID-19 and non COVID-19 after intensive care unit discharge. Επιστημονικά υπεύθυνος: Δ. Παπαγεωργίου

2021: Comprehensive per-patient meta-analysis about the value of the “Clinical Frailty Scale” for the outcome prediction of critically ill patients.1) Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf • Moorenstraße 5 • 40225 Düsseldorf Klinik für Kardiologie, Pneumologie und Angiologie.Names of the lead applicant: Professor Dr. Dr. Christian Jung, Dr. Raphael R. Bruno, PD Dr. Bernhard Wernly. 2) Faculty of Health and Caring Sciences, Department of Nursing, University of West Attica (UWA), Athens, Greece. Name of co- applicant: Dr Dimitrios Papageorgiou, Associate Professor of Critical Care Nursing.