
Monday, September 14

08:45 - 09:00 Opening

09:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk [Chair: Adele Rescigno ]: Paolo Boldi. Centrality in Network Analysis.

10:00 - 10:15 Break

10:15 - 11:25 Session 1: Algorithms. [Chair: Gennaro Cordasco ]:

• [10:15 – 10:40] A Substructure based Lower Bound for Eternal Vertex Cover Number. Jasine Babu, Veena Prabhakaran and Arko Sharma.

• [10:40 – 11:05] Structural Parameterizations of Tracking Paths Problem. Pratibha Choudhary and Venkatesh Raman.

• [11:05 – 11:25] A Realistic Model for Rescue Operations after an Earthquake. Tiziana Calamoneri and Federico Corò.

11:25 - 11:40 Break

11:40 - 12:50 Session 2: Computability. [Chair: Marinella Sciortino ]:

• [11:40 – 12:05] From Decidability to Undecidability by Considering Regular Sets of Instances. Petra Wolf.

• [12:05 – 12:30] From Hilbert's 10th problem to slim, undecidable fragments of set theory. Domenico Cantone, Eugenio Omodeo and Mattia Panettiere.

• [12:30 – 12:50] Compositional Modeling of Biological Systems in CospanSpan(Graph). Alessandro Gianola, Stefano Kasangian, Desiree Manicardi, Nicoletta Sabadini and Simone Tini.

12:50 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:40 Session 3: Semantics. [Chair: Michele Loreti]:

• [14:30 – 14:55] Software Transactional Memory with Interactions for Haskell. Marino Miculan and Marco Peressotti.

• [14:55 – 15:20] A process calculus approach to correctness enforcement of PLCs. Ruggero Lanotte, Massimo Merro and Andrei Munteanu.

• [15:20 – 15:40] Why Proof-Theory Matters in Specification-based Testing. Alberto Momigliano.

15:40 - 15:55 Break

15:55 - 16:40 Session 4: Logic. [Chair: Simone Tini]:

• [15:55 – 16:20] Differential Logical Relations Part II: Increments and Derivatives. Ugo Dal Lago and Francesco Gavazzo.

• [16:20 – 16:40] Linear Temporal Logics for Structured Context-Free Languages. Michele Chiari, Davide Bergamaschi, Dino Mandrioli and Matteo Pradella.

16:40 - 17:00 Break

17:00 - 18:00 IC-EATCS Meeting

Tuesday, September 15

09:00 - 10:00 EATCS award

• Best young researcher: Pietro Sala

• Best PhD thesis: Nikos Parotsidis

• Best master thesis: Alessio Mazzetto

10:00 - 10:15 Break

10:15 - 11:25 Session 5: Algorithms. [Chair: Geppino Pucci]:

• [10:15 – 10:40] Breaking Symmetries on Tessellation Graphs via Asynchronous Robots. Serafino Cicerone.

• [10:40 – 11:05] Shape-Preserving Pattern Matching. Simone Faro, Domenico Cantone and M. Oguzhan Kulekci.

• [11:05 – 11:25] Quantum Algorithm for Ensemble Learning. Antonio Macaluso, Stefano Lodi and Claudio Sartori.

11:25 - 11:40 Break

11:40 - 12:25 Session 6: Computability. [Chair: Pietro Sala]:

• [11:40 – 12:05] Undecidability of future timeline-based planning over dense temporal domains. Laura Bozzelli, Alberto Molinari, Angelo Montanari and Adriano Peron.

• [12:05 – 12:25] A Java visual simulator of Turing Machines. Alessandro Burigana, Francesco De Martino and Agostino Dovier.

• [12:25 – 12:45] A Generalized LR(1) Parser or Extended Context-Free Grammars. Luca Breveglieri, Angelo Borsotti, Stefano Crespi Reghizzi and Angelo Morzenti.

12:25 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:35 Invited Talk [Chair: Giovanni Manzini]: Paolo Ferragina. The future of data structures: data-aware and self-designing.

15:35 - 15:50 Break

15:50 - 16:40 Session 7: Complexity. [Chair: Paola Vocca]

• [15:45 – 16:10] Finding an Optimal Label-Splitting to Make a Transition System Petri Net Implementable: a Complete Complexity Characterization. Ronny Tredup.

•16:10 – 16:35] On A Class of Constrained Synchronization Problems in NP. Stefan Hoffman.

16:40 - 17:00 Break

16:50 - 18:00 Round Table GRIN ed Informatica teorica

Moderator: Angelo Montanari (President of IC-EATCS)

Panelists: Tiziana Calamoneri, Paolo Ciancarini, Pierpaolo Degano, Enrico Nardelli.

Wednesday, September 16

9:00 - 10:00 Invited Talk [Chair: Emanuela Merelli]: Pietro Sala (IC-EATCS Young Researcher Award). Interval-based Problems: Decidability and Complexity

10:00 - 10:15 Break

10:15 - 11:25 Session 8: Algorithms. [Chair: Gianlorenzo D'Angelo ]

• [10:15 – 10:40] Hierarchical decompositions of dihypergraphs. Simon Vilmin and Lhouari Nourine.

• [10:40 – 11:05] Complexity of Scorpion Solitaire and applications to Klondike. Francesco Arena and Miriam Di Ianni.

• [11:05 – 11:25] Novel Paradigm for the design of Obviously Strategyproof Mechanisms. Diodato Ferraioli, Adrian Meier, Paolo Penna and Carmine Ventre.

11:25 - 11: 40 Break

11:40 - 12:25 Session 9: Complexity. [Chair: Luisa Gargano]

• [11:40 – 12:05] Syntactic Isomorphism of CNF Boolean Formulas is Graph Isomorphism Complete. Giorgio Ausiello, Francesco Cristiano, Paolo Fantozzi and Luigi Laura.

• [12:05 – 12:25] Fair Division is Hard even for Amicable Agents. Neeldhara Misra and Aditi Sethia.

12:25 - 14:30 Lunch Break

14:30 - 15:35 Session 10: Semantics. [Chair: Ivan Lanese]

• [14:30 – 14:55] Extending Backward Compatibility of Probabilistic Testing via Coherent Resolutions. Marco Bernardo.

• [14:55 – 15:15] A general syntax for nonrecursive Higher Inductive Types. Marco Girardi, Roberto Zunino and Marco Benini.

• [15:15 – 15:35] Forward Proof-search and Countermodel Construction in Intuitionistic Propositional Logic. Camillo Fiorentini and Mauro Ferrari.

15:35 - 15:50 Break

15:50 - 16:40 Session 11: Logic. [Chair: Luca Aceto]

• [15:50 - 16:15] Equational Logic and Set-Theoretic Models for Multi-Languages. Samuele Buro, Roy Crole and Isabella Mastroeni.

• [16:15 - 16:40] Time Series Checking with Fuzzy Interval Temporal Logics. Willem Conradie, Dario Della Monica, Emilio Muñoz-Velasco, Guido Sciavicco and Ionel Eduard Stan.

16:40 - 17:00 Closure