Call for papers

Original research papers are invited in the related areas on the theme of the conference including:

1.   Atoms, molecules and clusters

2.   Chemical reactivity and kinetics

3.   Molecular dynamics and electronic structure calculations

4.   Spectroscopy

5.   Nano materials,and nano-bio systems

6.   Energy harvesting, storage and generation

7.   Transport  and optical properties

8.   Computational physics and computational chemistry

9.   Protein folding and dynamics

10. Bioinformatics, drug design and biologically important molecules

11. Structure and dynamics of physical, chemical and biological systems

12. Complex systems and nonlinear dynamics across the discipline

All the accepted papers in prescribed format will be published as e-Book with International Standard Book Number (ISBN).

The full text must be mailed to


The author guidelines/instruction should be strictly followed to avoid rejection and maximum length of the paper should not cross 4 pages.