Venue and accommodation


The conference took place at conference hotel El Andalous.

Address: Avenue President Kennedy, Hivernage, Marrakech, 40000, Morocco


This is located 1.5 km from the landmark 12th century Koutoubia Mosque in the historic Marrakech medina.


The organisers made reservations at El Andalous for the invited speakers. Other participants were to make their own reservations, at El Andalous or elsewhere.

  • At El Andalous, participants would get a better price than the one on the website of El Andalous. The reduced price was 537 Moroccan Dirham per night for a single room (breakfast included), and the same price for an economic double room (two beds; but only one breakfast included). Payment was made while checking out. The organisers then provided the hotel with the list of participants, so that the reduced price could be applied.

  • Other possible choices of accommodation include hotels in Hivernage (the posh modern quarter of Marrakech where El Andalous is situated), or in the old medina (1.5-2 km, depending on the alternate hotel).