Kamera i aplikacja ICSee umoliwiaj wysanie powiadomienia w przypadku wykrycia alarmu, takiego jak ruch lub obecno postaci ludzkiej (w zalenoci od ustawie). W momencie wykrycia takiego zdarzenia, kamera wykonuje zdjcie zaobserwowanej sytuacji, ale przesya je w pomniejszonej rozdzielczoci w celu zaoszczdzenia transferu danych.

I got given an icsee ip camera by a mate (see picture attached). I'm trying to get the camera image to play in vlc on a windows pc but I can't work out the correct rtsp url. I can get the camera image in the icsee app and in an (old) pc browser and in the html code I see:


however this url won't play in vlc. I've tried different combinations but no success.

1) any ideas what the rtsp url would be? I want this as I would like to use the camera in zoneminder if possible.

2) does anyone know the manufacturer and model of this camera? - somewhere I could get proper support on it? I've been trawling google but there's nothing out there really about this camera except the icseeapp. I've attached a screenshot of the info in the icsee app too. I expect it's some cheap chinese thing but I'd like to track down where I could get some support on it if possible. thanks for any help

Icsee Kamera

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