Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: December 29th, 2024 January 3rd, 2025
Abstract decisions (contributed talks): January 10th, 2025, January 15th, 2025
Registration deadline for Speakers: January 20th, 2025
Call for Presentations
The INFORMS Computing Society (ICS) is soliciting presentations for its eighteenth conference. ICS is a vibrant and growing community focused on contributions at the interface of computer science, artificial intelligence, operations research, and management science. The conference organizers encourage submissions in all areas of optimization, computing, and operations that involve novel theoretical contributions and/or applied research.
General Topics/Clusters
Integer Programming
Machine Learning and Optimization
Generative AI
Optimization under Uncertainty
Computational Optimization
Modeling Languages and Systems
Nonlinear and Continuous Optimization
Decision Diagrams
Network Optimization
Inverse Optimization
Bilevel Optimization and Algorithmic Game Theory
Quantum Computing
Healthcare Systems
Transportation and Logistics Systems
Social Good and Humanitarian Operations
Submission Guidelines
ICS 2025 will feature invited and contributed talks. Presenters are welcome to submit their presentation to one of the contributed tracks within the cluster that aligns well with their scope.
The program committee will assess the talks given suitability and space considerations, and will divide the tracks into sessions of at most three to four talks (depending on the number of participants) based on abstracts and keywords provided by the authors.
Abstracts: Please submit a short abstract (at most 150 words) for your talk.
Keywords: Please include up to three keywords that best represents the topic of your talk.