Call for Contributions

All accepted papers are now available online!

Best Paper Award Winners:

Researchers/Practitioners in agri-food robotics are encouraged to contribute to the workshop by submitting a two-page paper (excluding references) in PDF format. Relevant topics to any of the four sessions in programme are all welcomed: 

In particular, submitted papers must be formatted according to the guideline of ICRA2023. Each contribution will be reviewed by the programme committee, and the authors will be notified of the result

For each accepted paper, the camera-ready version will be submitted, and also, at least one author must register for the workshop to give a "lightning" talk and present a poster on site. Authors who plan to attend remotely will be asked to submit a pre-recorded video of presentation instead before workshop. 

Best Paper Award:  

In closing remarks, we will announce three best papers to award each team of the authors a prize of $100, which is sponsored by 

Important dates:

Any Questions?

Please send an email to