Bimanual Manipulation: Learning, Planning and Control

Poster Presentations

We invite contributions for poster presentations of early ideas, experimental results and open research questions. In addition to the interactive poster presentations, each selected poster will have a 3-minute spotlight talk in the workshop.

Topics of Interests

  • Bio-inspired/human-inspired bimanual manipulation theories and studies

  • Bimanual manipulation task coordination and planning

  • Bimanual manipulation task sensing and learning

  • Bimanual manipulation control for robot arms and hands

  • Bimanual (loco-)manipulation with various mobile platforms, wheels, legged, etc.

  • Robot mechanics and electronics for bimanual manipulation hardware setup

  • System communication and optimization for effective bimanual manipulation

  • Bimanual manipulation in different applications: manufacturing, healthcare, logistics, etc.

  • Multi-arm manipulation beyond dual-arm bimanual manipulation