Presentation Schedule

In order to have a dynamic technical program, ICPP-EMS 2022 will follow the same type of online sessions as ICPP'22. Slides and videos of the papers will be available to attendees in advance. Attendees should watch them before the session. Then the session will be organized as a small panel:

  • at first each author will remind quickly the main points of their work (5-7 minutes per paper)

  • A discussion will then be organized between the presenters and attendees, this discussion can focus on technical questions about the work of the paper or be more global about the session thematic.

Monday August 29th 2022 - All times are in CEST.

12:30 - 12:35 - Opening Remarks

12:35 - 13:30 - Session 1
1. Register-Pressure Aware Predicator for Length Multiplier of RVV (video)

Meng-Shiuan Shih, Hung-Ming Lai, Chao-Lin Lee, Chung-Kai Chen and Jenq-Kuen Lee.

2. The Support of MLIR HLS Adaptor for LLVM IR (video)

Geng-Ming Liang, Chuan-Yue Yuan, Meng-Shiun Yu, Tai-Liang Chen, Kuan-Hsun Chen and Jenq-Kuen Lee.

3. OpenMP offloading in the Jetson Nano platform (video)

Ilias K. Kasmeridis and Vassilios V. Dimakopoulos

4. Efficient Support of the Scan Vector Model for RISC-V Vector Extension (video)

Hung-Ming Lai and Jenq-Kuen Lee.

13:30 - 14:10 - Session 2

5. Execution Flow Aware Profiling for ROS-based Autonomous Vehicle Software (video)

Shaohua Wang, Chia-Heng Tu, Ching-Chun Huang and Jyh-Ching Juang.

6. Application Showcases for TVM with NeuroPilot on Mobile Devices (video)

Sheng-Yuan Cheng, Chun-Ping Chung, Robert Lai and Jenq-Kuen Lee.

7. Structured Concurrency: A Review (video)

Yi-An Chen and Yi-Ping You.

14:10 - 14:15 - Wrapup EMS 2022 Workshop