Top of Interests
Topics of interest are in all areas of (or related to) embedded multicore systems, including, but not limited to
Architectures for embedded multicore systems
Design for emerging embedded memory systems
Compilers for DSP processors
Embedded multicore processors
Special instructions for architectures to support post processing and pre-processing models
Compilers for heterogeneous embedded multicore systems.
AI compilers for DSP architectures
Compiler Optimizations with SPIR-V
TVM and MLIR Optimizations
OpenVX Optimizations
Low-power numeric supports with DSP systems for AI applications
Partitioning and scheduling with AI compilers for AI models
Auto-Tuning for AI compiler Optimizations
Programming models for embedded multicore systems
Signal processing on embedded multicore systems
Multimedia signal processing algorithms on embedded multicore systems
Multimedia applications on embedded multicore systems
Machine learning on embedded multicore systems
Human-computer interaction on multicore systems
Augmented reality applications on multicore systems
Software for multicore, GPU, and embedded architectures
VM for embedded systems
3D IC and multicore architectures
Real-time system designs for embedded multicore environments
Compiler for low-power
ESL designs for embedded multicore systems
Applications for Automobile electronics of multicore designs
Embedded OS designs and performance tuning tools
Hardware/software co-design framework
Embedded devices + cloud computing framework
Compiler for worst-case execution time analysis
Formal method for embedded systems
Numerical libraries and architecture supports for machine learning
Processing in memory / computing-in-memory architecture designs for AI models
Architecture-aware software designs for AI models
Embedded memory management for AI models