The iconik Agent is a companion application to the iconik web aiming to simplify some of the workflows in iconik. It comes as a native application supporting Windows and macOS and provides the following functionality:

With the iconik Agent, your file transfers can continue even when you're not using the iconik web interface in the browser. The iconik Agent is a lightweight application that runs in the background to ensure that your transfers are completed successfully. If an upload or download fails, the iconik agent will automatically retry the task again or inform you of the failure. And if there's a connectivity issue, the iconik Agent will pause transfers automatically and resume them later once a network connection is established.

Iconik Download Agent


If your files are nicely organized in folders, keep it that way when uploading to iconik. The iconik agent supports uploading single files and directories while preserving the directory structure as collections in iconik.

Having the iconik Agent as a desktop application will keep you connected and in control while you download your media from iconik. It will keep your local machine organized and allow you to start and stop downloads as needed.

The iconik Agent can be configured to preserve custom collection ordering that has been set for a collection in the iconik web interface. When this option is turned on all file and directory names will get a numbered prefix added to the front of the name. This will allow you to use the normal sort by title functionality available in the system file browser to sort the items in a collection. If this option is turned off then no changes will be made to the name of the files and directories.

The iconik Agent will install itself as a Login Item on macOS and a Startup Item on Windows. This will make the Agent start automatically when you log in on your machine. If you would like to remove this behavior you can do so in the following places depending on operating system.

The iconik Agent provides a better experience when downloading assets and collections from iconik than the normal web download in the browser. It is also the only way to download collection trees or large amounts of files.

When downloading large collections of assets it can be hard to find the files on the local system. Therefore the iconik Agent provides shortcuts for locating the files on the local file systems as well as revealing its corresponding asset in the iconik web interface.

If you have an iconik Storage Gateway(ISG) mounted on the same machine as the Agent is running on, the Agent can be used to reveal the files from the asset page on the web. To do this navigate to the asset and file you want to locate in the iconik web. Tap the button on the file. This will open the local systems file browser with the file selected.

iconik produces several types of logs, both in the backend and in its companion applications running on premise.This document is intended to explain what is logged and how this helps us deliver the iconik service.

All API calls made to iconik's APIs are logged to our audit logs which are stored in a separate audit log database.Audit logs are retained for 12 months for forensic purposes.We currently cannot provide a real-time feed of audit logs.Please contact to obtain an extract of audit logs for your system domain (account).

The iconik system itself creates a lot of logs and these are all collected into Google Stackdriver where our engineers can use the logs to trouble-shoot the system.The system logs are explicitly prevented from containing any Personally Identifiable Information to minimise the risk of such information.System logs are retained for 30 days before they are automatically purged.

The iconik Storage Gateway creates logs which are stored locally and synced to the iconik cloud service.Logs are synced to the cloud to visualise them in the iconik web interface an to help us provide support for the ISG.ISG logs are kept in secure cloud buckets for 30 days before they are rotated.

The iconik Adobe Panel creates logs which are stored locally.These logs are not synced to the cloud.When reaching out to support our staff may ask a user to submit a copy of the logs for trouble-shooting via our support system.

The iconik Agent creates logs which are stored locally.These logs are not synced to the cloud.When reaching out to support our staff may ask a user to submit a copy of the logs for trouble-shooting via our support system.

Assets are imported into Final Cut Pro using the iconik Agent. The import is triggered from the iconik Web interface for an asset or collection of assets from the search results. Using the web interface detects when the iconik Agent is running on a machine that has Final Cut Pro installed and will then add a Open in Final Cut Pro menu item to assets, collections and search results.

The iconik Final Cut Pro integration supports a workflow where you edit right of a locally mounted storage monitored by an iconik Storage Gateway (ISG). In this workflow the asset media will not be downloaded when you click Open in Final Cut Pro in the iconik Web, instead the local path to the media on the ISG's storage will be resolved and that file will be imported into Final Cut Pro. For this to work you need to:

First, ensure that your iconik account is connected to your cloud storage provider of choice. You will need to create an Application Token in iconik (contact your administrator if you do not have access to create this) before you can connect MASV.

Next, create a Cloud Integration in MASV using the new iconik provider option. Now you can attach your Cloud Integration to your MASV Portal(s) to have your uploads automatically transferred to iconik. You may also select this connection to upload individual packages using the Send to Cloud feature on the Packages list pages.

The final step is to attach a cloud integration to a MASV Portal. Simply select the desired Portal and choose\u00a0Select Connections\u00a0under\u00a0Deliver to Cloud. Then locate the iconik connection you want to use and click\u00a0Update.

To add assets to an iconik collection, users are required to have a paid account, which makes it difficult to collaborate with outside contributors, such as freelancers or contracted production companies.

The final step is to attach a cloud integration to a MASV Portal. Simply select the desired Portal and choose Select Connections under Deliver to Cloud. Then locate the iconik connection you want to use and click Update.

Together, these words paint a picture of a team committed to empowering content creators and excited to accelerate the value their customers can recognize through technology. Every founding team responsible for developing our products at ftrack, Celtx, and iconik, as well as our Backlight Streaming products, Zype and Wildmoka, shares a passion for innovation that delivers fluid collaboration around media and disruptive ways to solve operational challenges. 006ab0faaa

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