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ICODE Hip Ultrasound Calculator is intended for use only by healthcare professionals. Healthcare professionals who use it, do so at their own risk and should exercise their own clinical judgment as to the information they provide to the patients.

We have tried to create content to conform to the standards of professional practice that prevailed at the time of development. However, standards and practices in medicine change as new data become available and the individual medical professional should consult a variety of sources. Medical information changes rapidly.

We do not accept any responsibility about adverse effects that may be associated with the application of therapy, based on the use of this calculator. We do not assume any liability or responsibility for damage or injury arising from any use of ICODE Hip Ultrasound Calculator. By using this ICODE Hip Ultrasound Calculator you agree to the terms outlined above.


1. Graf R, Scott S, Lercher K, et al (2006) Hip sonography: Diagnosis and management of infant hip dysplasia. Springer Berlin Heidelberg

2. O’Beirne JG, Chlapoutakis K, Alshryda S, et al (2019) International Interdisciplinary Consensus Meeting on the Evaluation of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip. Ultraschall Med 40:454–464.

3. O’Beirne J, Chlapoutakis K (eds.) (2022) Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: From Early Sonographic Diagnosis to Effective Treatment. Springer International Publishing