International Conference on

Mathematical Modeling in Public Health and Epidemiology


November 09, 2023 | Hybrid Mode

Department of Mathematics

Faculty of Education

Phuket Rajabhat University



 ICMMPHE is a leading global event that brings together experts in mathematics, healthcare, and epidemiology. It serves as a platform for the exchange of innovative ideas and research in the field, aiming to improve public health strategies and combat infectious diseases through mathematical modeling. This conference fosters collaboration and knowledge sharing to address critical health challenges.


Phuket Rajabhat University is a higher education institute for local development and upgrading the provision of quality educational and research services to international Perform missions on the basis of social responsibility. At present, Phuket Rajabhat University has 5 faculties and 1 college consisting of the Faculty of Science and Technology, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management, and Faculty of Agricultural Technology. The aim of this University is to provide facilities for advancement in Teaching, Research and dissemination of Knowledge with special focus on the economic and social upliftment of the society. The University also strives to provide quality higher education on par with international standards. It persistently seeks and adopts innovative methods to improve the quality of higher education. Highly experienced learned and committed teachers nurture the talents of students, through multifarious activities.


The Department of Mathematics offers courses in mathematics education and mathematics teaching. In response to the changing trends of the modern world  mathematics is a science that can be connected and integrated with other sciences, which include various theories in science, social science, and education, Therefore, offering courses in mathematics emphasizes graduates’ ability to solve problems and apply knowledge, as well as being able to study and acquire knowledge by themselves in the future. The Mathematics Department has therefore developed the Bachelor of Education program. Mathematics subject area to be consistent with the National Higher Education Qualifications Framework. and provide opportunities for students to learn about teaching mathematics at the basic education level and apply mathematics to statistics and computers so that graduates will study happily and apply their knowledge to their careers with confidence.