2019 ICML Workshop on AI for Autonomous Driving

Accepted Abstracts:

Pseudo-LiDAR from Visual Depth Estimation: Bridging the Gap in 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving [Main text] [Supplementary]

Yan Wang; Wei-Lun Chao; Divyansh Garg; Bharath Hariharan; Mark Campbell; Kilian Weinberger

LiDAR Sensor modeling and Data augmentation with GANs for Autonomous driving [Main text]

Ahmad ElSallab; Ibrahim Sobh; Mohamed Zahran; Nader Essam

Adversarial Imitation Learning via Random Search in Lane Change Decision-Making [Main text]

MyungJae Shin; Joongheon Kim

Multi-Agent Tensor Fusion for Contextual Trajectory Prediction [Main text]

Tianyang Zhao; Yifei Xu; Mathew Monfort; Wongun Choi; Chris Baker; Yibiao Zhao; Yizhou Wang; Ying Nian Wu

FastDraw: Addressing the Long Tail of Lane Detection by Adapting a Sequential Prediction Network [Main text]

Jonah Philion; Yibiao Zhao

Accepted Full Papers:

VolMap: A Real-time Model for Semantic Segmentation of a LiDAR 360◦surrounding view [Main text]

Hager Radi; Waleed Ali

Data-Driven Simulation for Learning End-to-End Autonomous Vehicle Control [Main text]

Alexander Amini; Igor Gilitschenski; Jacob Phillips; Julia Moseyko; Sertac Karaman; Daniela Rus

Learning Q-network for Active Information Acquisition [Main text]

Heejin Jeong; Brent Schlotfeldt; Hamed Hassani; Manfred Morari; Daniel Lee; George Pappas

Distributed data anomaly detection using LSTM in autonomous vehicles [Main text]

Ons Jelassi; Naman Negi; Stéphan Clémençon; Hakima Chaouchi

How much real data do we actually need: Analyzing object detection performance using synthetic and real data [Main text]

Farzan Nowruzi; Prince Kapoor; Dhanvin Kolhatkar; Fahed Al Hassanat; Robert Laganiere; Julien Rebut

Learning from Explanations for Robust Autonomous Driving [Main text]

Leilani Gilpin; Tianye Chen; Lalana Kagal

PRECOG: PREdictions Conditioned On Goals in Visual Multi-Agent Settings [Main text] [Supplementary]

Nicholas Rhinehart; Rowan McAllister; Kris Kitani; Sergey Levine