
SLIDES: (PDF) (SlideShare)

Part 1 (60 Minutes)

  • High level overview
  • Survey of success stories
  • Breakdown of imitation learning types
  • Core Imitation Learning Approaches
    • Behavioral Cloning
      • Reduction to PAC Learning
      • Challenges with distribution shift
    • Interactive expert querying
      • Reductions to supervised & online learning
      • DAgger & SEARN algorithms
    • Inverse Reinforcement Learning
      • Occupancy matching principle
    • Recent extensions
      • GAIL
      • Cost-guided inverse optimal control

Part 2 (60 Minutes)

  • Speech Animation
  • Applications to structured prediction & search
  • Improving over expert demonstrator
  • Applications to filtering and sequence modeling
  • Multi-objective imitation learning
    • Safe imitation learning
    • Smooth imitation learning
  • Visual / few-shot imitation learning
  • Domain Adaptation imitation learning
  • Multi-agent imitation learning
  • Hierarchical imitation learning
  • Multi-modal imitation learning
  • Weaker Feedback