Registration Assistance

Students who wish to attend the ML4Cyber Workshop can request support to pay for workshop registration.


Students must be enrolled in a U.S.-based college (including 4-year, 2-year, or community college), and have a faculty mentor who will confirm their enrollment and provide a brief recommendation. Students at all stages in their college career are eligible. Applicants from underrepresented groups (including women, historically underrepresented minority groups, and students with disabilities) are encouraged to apply. For questions or additional information, contact Jack Davidson (

Application Instructions

Please send the following information to Jack Davidson ( Use the subject line: "ICML Workshop Registration"

  1. Applicant Name

  2. E-mail address

  3. College or University currently attending

  4. Advisor's Name and E-mail address

  5. A brief statement (a few sentences) about why you want to attend ML4Cyber