Papers of original quality on the conference topics listed below as well as on other topics not explicitly mentioned herein but are well related to the theme of the conference are solicited


 Authors of all accepted and presented papers will have the following publication options:

1.     Inclusion in the respective conference proceedings (may require additional review)

2.     Submission in J of the Institution of Engineers (India), Series C (Springer), after the event and mentioning ICMDM paper ID (subject to review)


More publication options are under consideration and would be declared when finalized. 

Reviews of most submissions have been sent out to the corresponding authors. For a few papers, review took little longer time and we are working to complete sending reports. Please ensure that our emails from conference mail id reach your inbox and not spam folder (paper submission was online and you may not have earlier communication with our conference id so chances are that our mails may end up at your spam folder or your mail filter). You may send queries to us quoting your paper title or paper id.