Registration and Abstract Submission

Participation confirmation

Participants need to confirm with Rute Lemos ( or Enide Andrade ( by May 15, 2022 if they can come.

Abstract submission

Abstracts should be submitted by email to until May 6, 2022 (deadline extended), using the following template.

Please, download the LaTeX template here (see PDF example).

The abstract should be no more than one page.

Save the .tex file for your abstract with a filename like "FamilynameGivenname.tex". Submit both .tex and .pdf files to

Participants will receive an answer of acceptance until May 9, 2022.

Please consider the presentation time to be around 20 minutes (+ 5 minutes for discussion).

Registration fee

  • Early registration fee: 100 euros (before May 15, 2022).

  • Late registration fee: 120 euros (after May 16, 2022).

  • Registration fee is waived for students.

The fee includes workshop pack, welcome reception and coffee breaks.

Payment should be made by bank transfer to:

Bank Name: Caixa Geral de Depósitos

Account Holder: Universidade de Aveiro

Beneficiary Address: Universidade de Aveiro, Campus de Santiago, 3810-193 Aveiro, Portugal

NIB: 0836 00000022430

IBAN: PT50 0035 0836 00000022430 30


Description: ICMAA20 ###### : where ###### should be replaced by your name (or names, in case the transfer covers the fees of multiple participants).

Please, send the payment confirmation to or You can also specify details for the receipt, if needed, such as name and billing address, tax identification number or passport number.