
The conference "Algebras, Representations and Applications" will be held at Cusco-Perú, from Monday 27th to Friday 31st of August, 2018. It is a satellite conference of the ICM 2018 in Rio de Janeiro (August 1 - 9). The International congress of Mathematics is the worlds most important forum for presenting and discussing new mathematical results. At the ICM, the Fields Medal winners are announced.

Satellite Conferences are central scientific activities surrounding the celebration of every ICM. The ICM 2018 satellite conference in Cusco will coincide with the eight conference "Lie and Jordan Algebras, their Representations and Applications" organized by the IME-USP (Brazil).

The conference is organized jointly by

  • Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
  • Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Peru)
  • Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad de Cusco (Peru)
  • Instituto de Matemáticas y Ciencias Afines IMCA (Peru)

The conference will take place at faculty of Science (Pabellón C) on the campus of the Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco: Av. de la Cultura, Nro. 733, Cusco - Perú

Questions should be addressed to: (regarding scientific program) (regarding venue, lodging etc.)