I wonder how to connect to Supernote three different calendars? I mean: my business calendar (it is based on MS Outlook and Exchange protocol) and both my personal calendars: first is based on Apple iCloud service and second works on Google service.

I use openHAB calendar as a secondary lens to my family calendars if I went public I think my family would lose the ability to add to the calendar on their phones/computer/whatever so this is not an option

Icloud Calendar

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Thanks @Zabobon & @ccstone! I went down the yellow brick Google road multiple times and never made it to Oz. Google (The Wiz) just doesn't read the URL.

I even found the seemingly obscure Calendar Sync Settings page ( =1) where my new calendar wasn't ticked off and I excitedly checked the checkbox for my new calendar annnndddd, still nothing. Sigh...

Very strange though as this is all being set up on the internet rather than your local computer. All Apple Calendar has to do is generate a URL for your shared calendar. So, I suppose if it is something to do with your system it could be that your Mac is not actually sharing the Calendar.

Essentially, this looks at the calendar events specified, ignores all-day ones since they didn't seem to make sense for a daily agenda list and threw off the formatting, then extracts the start and end times for events into separate (unnamed) variables, and finally assembles those times plus the event's title into the equivalent of an "Append to Variable" action in KM so that they're listed as:

In the mean time, does anyone know of how to create a clean two way sync between Google and Apple calendar? If i can do that, I can enter / see the info on my end from Evernote (Google) but everyone else can see from Apple calendar.

No, nobody here knows. At least none of the users who are not Evernote staff. We do know that the word was that the next in line would be Outlook calendars so you might guess that Apple could follow on. But we don't know.

So if I could figure out HOW to share my Apple calendar with Google, that might work. So far I've only been able to share Google with Apple, but not the other way around yet. I've seen Youtube videos from a year ago that reference and option in the Google calendar app to add an account and add iOS, but that option is no longer there.

What has successfully been done was to link the Apple calendar to a Google calendar, and then this to the EN widget. This is how far it takes me, because I do not use Google services at all (where I can avoid it). So no idea of how good it works, and if it is a 2-way sync.

Now the calendar is integrated in Google Calendar. But be aware that it might sometimes take several hours until a new item in Apple Calendar appears in Google Calendar as well. And of course your calendar is now public and everyone knowing the URL is able to access it.

There is no need for such a program. Set up a calendar in Google. Link your Apple calendar to the Google calendar, then link the Google calendar to EN. Done - you will now get the content of your Apple calendar synced to EN, via Google. It is a one way sync - for changes or additions, you need to go to your Apple calendar and make the entries there.

The problem: When one of our clients sends us meeting requests via email they show up in the IMAP's inbox. When we open them up they automatically get added to Outlook's default calendar (the one in the original PST). Is there any chance not to add them to that calendar but the iCloud one? Basically we could completely get rid of the original PST since we don't use it at all anymore but the settings do not allow me to remove this PST file and set the iCloud one as default.

I couldn't find any way of changing Outlook's default to use the iCloud calendar for meeting requests (I think that would be the ideal solution if Outlook supported it), but I found a work around that seems to work OK for me.

When you've selected the meeting request in Outlook you should see the "Reply using iCloud" button on the toolbar. Click this and choose Accept then your meeting will be added to your iCloud calendar, which should sync to your iPad and iPhone.

You will see, when using iCloud that there is also an iCloud calendar. Simply click on the invitation in the calendar once (the one that you have just accepted via email and which shows up in your local calendar). Then drag the invitation to the left side of the screen where you see iCloud calendar.

Setting up a new calendar in Thunderbird with the lightning extension installed seems relatively straight forward. (create new calendar, chose "on the web", select "caldav", ... ) However, the process then requires the URL / webaddress of the icloud calendar with which I seek to sync.

What are the next steps in the process, including using 2-factor authentication and an app specific password generated via apple/icloud? Can I use the same app specific password I used for setting up icloud mail in Thunderbird ? or do I need a second app specific password?

Exporting contacts and calendars from iCloud (or Mac apps):

 Apple Support Archive or make copies of the information you store in iCloudLearn how to make copies of the information that you use with iCloud.

I see the same thing regardless of whether the invitation is sent to my personal email (which is hosted by the same web hosting company that hosts my personal website) or to my icloud.com email address.

I cannot say whether or not your experience is expected because I keep turned off all calendar-based invites, in part because calendar spam was a problem a few years ago, so I rely on email invites. Anyway, good luck.

After navigating away from HS meetings a few years back for the same reason, I'm now back to find that Apple Calendar still does not integrate - having calendars such as Apple Calendar that do not talk with this meeting tool in HS significantly impairs its usefulness. Do you have any suggestions for me other than continuing with Calendly?

@MPTatFoodDays Where's the difference in using Calendly? The discussed topic here is not "how can I connect any meeting booking tool to my iCloud calendar?" The main question is "Ho can I use Hubspot's booking tool with my iCloud calendar.

Both methods will work, however IFTTT can take an hour to show the event on your iOS Calendar. My problem with solution 2 (and maybe #1 also) is that while I will instantly see the event on both calendars, HubSpot's booking tool will not blockout iOS Calendar events. If I have a doctor's appointment at 2:00 PM that was created on my iOS Calendar I will also see the item on Google Calendar, but HubSpot's booking tool will still allow a customer to book that 2:00 PM time slot causing me to be double booked. The main reason I prefer to use Calendly over HubSpot's booking tool is Calendly lets me use iOS Calendar natively.

Another reason I prefer Calendly over HubSpot's booking tool is Calendly's paid subscription allowing me to connect multiple calendars and have multiple event types is less expensive than HubSpot's paid account that would allow me multiple event types but still leave me with the original problem of not being able to use my iOS Calendar.

Since a few weeks it seems to be a problem that specific calendar entries from my iCloud calendar do not get sychronised to Acuity Scheduling. However, they show up in my iCloud calendar and are synced to other devices or services without any problems.

To avoid misunderstandings: I have already tried to exclude all conceivable errors. It is the same calendar, the right day, and I have also reset the connection between iCloud and Acuity. All without effect. 

All other appointments - including imported appointments - are synchronised without any problems. 

Crazy enough, the display works when exporting to an Office365 calendar from Next Navigator.

I am unable to access my calendar since it is locked..."Due to account maintenance, calendar is currently unavailable." In trying to fix the problem, all my devices lost information so I don't have any working calendar. This had also messed up my contacts on my computer in Outlook but they seem to be working through my other three devices. Support has not been able to fix this and I am waiting over a week for the engineers to respond to the problem. I am very unhappy and this is preventing me from doing my business properly. I am now working on a paper calendar so I can keep track of my future appointments but my only calendar was on the cloud so I don't know what appointments I am missing. Today I tried to restore it and after three tries of different dates with a very nice, senior advisor, I am still nowhere.

I am having the exact same problem. It began when I downloaded IOS 9. Prior to that, my calendar entries were flawlessly synced between iPhone, iPad, Macbook Pro, and Outlook (on Windows PC). After the new IOS, nothing will sync and I get this error message. It has now been three days. A senior advisor is helping me but he cannot get the engineers to respond to his "ticket" at least not yet. Like you, I use this calendar feature for my work (I am a clinical psychologist) with lots of appointments to keep track of. I am concerned and more than a little steamed. Have you had any resolution as yet? If so, do you know anything about what they did to fix it?

I have the same problem. I tried to restore calendar from iCloud, as I had duplicated all my appointments by synching w/iTunes. The restore stopped after several minutes, stating there was an error. It's been locked ever since.

My calendar and contacts are still a total disaster. This started over a month ago and no fix seems to have been found by the engineers who are supposed to be working on this since 9/11/15. I was told to try another restore and I ran it for almost 2 full days. The only "good" thing is that my calendar is now unlocked but the calendar is not synching with my deviices...although tonight one of my phones is sucking with the iCloud calendar. I can't email off Outlook since all my contacts are a mess. I have to locate the email address and enter it in e field instead of hitting the "to" button if the contact were entered. Please contact me directly if you get any answers. Carole at CaroleNocickRealty.com. e24fc04721

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