International Conference on Image Processing 

8-11 October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 

IMPORTANT: News about the challenge session paper submission


IMPORTANT: Please read the following carefully before deciding to participate in the challenge.

How to participate:

The challenge session is organized into 3 phases :

The ranking of the participants of the challenge session is updated automatically.

Participants have also the opportunity to submit a challenge paper until April 26 (see ICIP webpage).

Participants who will be ranked in the top 5 of the competition will also have the opportunity to submit an extended version of their paper to a Special Issue that we will organize in Elsevier Signal Processing: Image Communication (details will be provided soon).

Brief Introduction

Image acquisition conditions can significantly affect high-level tasks in computer vision, such as object detection, object recognition, object segmentation, depth estimation, scene understanding, or object tracking just to name a few. The improvement of the sensors’ quality and deep learning methods provided an increase in robustness against distortions to reach suitable performance in various computer vision algorithms. However, even taking advantage of new sensor technologies and deep learning approaches, the performance is quite limited in real applications where the visual scene contains both local and global distortions. This is the case in autonomous vehicles, video surveillance, or medical robotics for example. Several object detection benchmarks dataset have been proposed [1-3]. The most popular benchmark is the MSCOCO dataset. The performance of the object detection models are generally evaluated using the Mean Average Precision metric. However only global image distortions are considered in the experiment. For a better assessment of the robustness of object detection models, it is important to also consider the presence of local distortions and the complexity of the observed scenes in real environments. This will give more realism and reliability to databases including such scenarios. To this end we built a database containing several images with various global and local distortions by taking into account some relevant features related to the contexts to give more realism to the images. Our dedicated dataset comprises original and distorted images from the well-known MS-COCO dataset. The synthetic distortions are generated according to several types and severity levels with respect to the scene context. 

Important: The selected teams will be invited to be part of a joint paper, summarizing the top proposed solutions, to be submitted for publication in a journal. 

Challenge Significance

It is important to note that the performance of most deep learning-based computer vision algorithms is limited when trained on image databases that do not contain distortions [4]. Indeed, image databases dedicated to benchmarking some computer vision algorithms do not generally include real scenarios where we have to deal with distortions due to the acquisition conditions. The robustness of learning-based computer vision algorithms is therefore dependent on the representativeness and richness of the databases in terms of distortions [5]. This observation is even more visible in real applications where distortions are more complex and heterogeneous than synthetically generated distortions. Usually, deep learning methods improve their robustness through data augmentation or dedicated architecture design. The first solution, retained in our study, is based on adding photo-realistic synthetic distortions in the training set to improve the network robustness against perturbations. This challenge will perform the first comprehensive benchmark of the impact of a wide range of distortions on the performance of current object detection methods. The proposed database contains, in addition to the conventional real distortions, other synthesized distortions corresponding to real and very frequent scenarios often neglected in other databases despite their importance. This is probably due to the difficulty of generating them by computer. In the proposed database we generate images affected by various photo-realistic distortions.This study will provide a reliable prediction of the performance of these methods in real applications thanks to the realism and coherence of our Complex Distorted COCO dataset (CD-COCO). Using the MS-COCO database as the source of original images enabled us to use ground truth information to design local distortions and use a well-known database for object detection methods. In addition, we generated complex and photo-realistic distortions by wisely choosing the distortion type and efficiently tuning the distortion parameter with respect to the scene context and the distortion type. This challenge will advance the current approach with the potential possibility of making this comprehensive benchmark an important contribution in the design of robust object detection architectures. In addition, the development of more effective and efficient computer vision algorithms with such benchmark will significantly contribute to the challenges of real-world industrial applications, such as robotics and autonomous navigation. 

Rules of Participation

We will make available our CD-COCO dataset to only registered challengers  to test their methods against local and global distortions at various severity levels. The proposed methods must be able to localize the objects as precisely as possible and determine their classes. The duration of the detection process will be a parameter to be taken into account in the performance evaluation. The participants would be required to submit an easy to read code of their algorithm (preferably in Matlab or Python) with comments along with a document with a summary and steps of their method. This code should contain executable script with its corresponding readme file allowing us to test their solution on our CD-COCO test set. Some illustrative results could be submitted to display the efficiency of their solution. The challengers must also provide the execution time of their solution and their system configuration to normalize the execution time between competitors. Thus, the submitted methods must try to reach the following goals:

Evaluation Criteria

We will assess the submitted methods according to the official COCO mAP metric, which characterizes the methods’ precision by their ability to detect objects and locate them accurately. The criteria of accuracy and Inference Time (fps) will be summarized in a ratio that will describe the efficiency of the solutions. Furthermore, all methods would be tested on our Lab computer with the same GPU to normalize the execution time. We will produce distorted test sets with images containing distortions at random severity levels and with severity levels increasing progressively from set to set. The evaluation will thus have 2 parts:

Thereby, the committee would be able to evaluate the efficiency of the solutions in general and compare the impact of the severity levels on performance through the different test sets containing distortions with progressively increasing levels of severity. The best solutions would be selected according to their general robustness and execution time, and their robustness against distortion type and severity level. 

Dataset Details

The CD-COCO dataset that will be used in this challenge session comes from the famous MS-COCO dataset that contains 123K images split into three sets, respectively the training set with 95K images, the validation set with 5K images, and the test set with 23K images. We applied dedicated distortions type at specific severity levels to the training set according to the scene context of each of its images. The choice of the distortion type would be correlated to the scene type (indoor/outdoor) and the scene context (the objects present and the scene depth). Likewise, the distortion severity level would be assigned according to the object type and position (pixel and depth) for local distortions or atmospheric distortions (rain and haze). For example, haze and rain cannot be present in indoor scenes, and the object motion blur should be correlated to the object's velocity, which depends on the object type and its position in the scene. Thus, the distortion severity level based on the object type should consider the object's sensitivity for a given distortion. Conversely, the object position and scene depth will allow to deal with the scene specificity to make the distortions more coherent according to the scene context and type. 

Important: The link to access the dataset will only be provided to the registered participants.


Our CD-COCO dataset comprises local distortions such as blur motion, defocus blur, and backlight illumination applied to objects or specific areas. It is worth noticing that the weighting and magnitude of each distortion is adjusted according to the position of the object in the observed scene. This implies both 2D spatial position and depth are taken into account in the application of the synthetic distortions. This database also contains the case of global distortions related to camera parameters and characteristics, such as noise sensitivity, defocus or instabilities, and those related to acquisition conditions such as atmospheric turbulence, image artifacts (lossy compression artefacts), motion blur or uncontrolled lighting. Among the atmospheric and weather factors affecting the image acquisition quality, we consider rain and haze phenomena. The other factors related to camera sensors’ limitations are mainly noise sensitivity, contrast sensitivity and spatial resolution. The global blur may result from camera motion and/or optical defocus. Whereas, local motion blur results from moving objects. Our dataset is detailed in the following tables (see tables 1 and 2). 

Challenger Organizers

Following team will run the challenge session:

Important Dates

Sponsorship and Awards

The coordinators will contact potential sponsors for supporting 1-3 awards for the competition winners. 
